Join us from October 8-10 in New York City to learn the latest tips, trends, and news about GraphQL Federation and API platform engineering.Join us for GraphQL Summit 2024 in NYC
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GraphQL Events

The team at Apollo loves to speak at events, help community members looking to speak about or Apollo, and organize quality events. Read on to see how you can get involved!

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Apollo events is where you can find all our upcoming events and webinars as well as any recordings from our past events. If you want to keep up to date on GraphQL best practices, Apollo open source updates, new product features, and more, make sure to check the events regularly!

Give a talk

Whether you're gearing up to give a GraphQL or Apollo talk at a local meetup or a large industry event, we want to help spread the word and set you up with the resources to feel prepared. Let us know on Twitter about events you're submitting to, when you're planning to speak, or when your talk videos have been published!


There over 50 meetups around the world featuring talks by and for GraphQL developers. Find the one nearest you or get in touch for support in organizing one yourself!

GraphQL Summit

We organize GraphQL Summit, the first yearly conference to GraphQL developers. Summit is the best place to learn how companies are using GraphQL in production, check out the future of the technology, and meet the friendly community working to support and advance it. We're always looking for speakers, so reach out to the Summit team if you're interested in presenting in the future!

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