4. Explore Exoplanets

Exercise: Explore Exoplanets

🎯 Goal: Use a to choose your favorite interstellar destination to visit.

  1. Navigate to the workshop's graph in GraphOS Studio.

  2. Open up the Explorer by clicking on Explorer in the left-hand menu.

  3. Using the built-in documentation or Collections, the API to learn about some of the exoplanets we might one day visit.

  4. Navigate to some of the NASA URLs you find to get a better idea what it might be like to go there.

  5. Build and run a to submit your favorite destination.

💭 Hints

✅ Solution

Explore the interstellar experiences:

query AllExperiencesQuery {
experiences {
nasaPosterUrl # visit links in your browser!
destination {
nasaTravelGuideUrl # visit links in your browser!

Then submit your destination:

mutation SubmitFavoriteDestination($destination: TopDestination!) {
submitFavoriteDestination(destination: $destination)

Using :

"destination": "EXOPLANET_TRAPPIST_1E"

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