4. Wrap-up

Wrapping up

Our server implementation is looking good, but there's still a couple of places we're using old packages.


Let's jump into src/schema.js. At the top of the file, we'll see that we're requiring gql from apollo-server.

const { gql } = require("apollo-server");

This is where the graphql-tag package we installed comes in! Let's update the import to use this package instead. (And take note that we're now requiring gql as the default export!)

- const { gql } = require("apollo-server");
+ const gql = require("graphql-tag")

Under the hood, apollo-server (AS3) used gql from graphql-tag directly, and re-exported it for our use under the named export gql.

The new @apollo/server package no longer exports this utility directly; that's why we installed it ourselves. We can use the graphql-tag package directly and get the same functionality we had before.


For our final update, navigate to src/datasources/track-api.js. You'll find that we're requiring the old apollo-datasource-rest package.

This is a simple update! Let's swap it out for the new @apollo/datasource-rest package — everything else can stay the same.

- const { RESTDataSource } = require('apollo-datasource-rest');
+ const { RESTDataSource } = require('@apollo/datasource-rest');

Note: The new @apollo/datasource-rest package uses a slash (/) instead of a dash (-) between the words "apollo" and "datasource".

Launching the server

We've made all the necessary updates to implement the newest 4 packages and features. Let's take it for a spin!

In the root directory of your project, run npm start.

npm start

We should see the same message logging out where our server is running. But when we navigate to localhost:4000, we skip the landing page and go right to the Sandbox Explorer. Our server is ready to right away!

query GetTrackTitles {
tracksForHome {

Trying out the above , we get the exact same data back. Our server enjoys the same functionality as before, but under the hood we've got a lot more flexibility.

Servers built with 4 are easier to maintain and extend than ever before. These benefits prove vital for building a that can scale wherever your product — and imagination! — takes it.

To learn more about other features available now in , visit the official documentation on migrating to version 4.

Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you in the next one!


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