3. Adding a subgraph


Excited to add more to the Poetic Plates ? With , it's straightforward– we're only a couple clicks away!

In this lesson, we will:

  • Add a new to our using Studio
  • Learn about the process and how to inspect a launch in Studio
  • Inspect an 's

Introducing kitchenware 🍳

Welcome to the Kitchenware API, the ultimate guide to all things kitchenware! This API is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about pots, pans, and kitchen tools. We've got it all, from non-stick frying pans to cast iron skillets, and everything in between. The quality of your kitchenware can make or break a dish, so it includes detailed information on the materials used in each product, from stainless steel to ceramic to cast iron.

And once you've found the perfect kitchenware for your needs, we've got tips on how to keep it looking and performing its best. This API provides cleaning and care instructions for each type of kitchenware, so you can keep your pots and pans in top condition for years to come.

It's the perfect API to add to the Poetic Plates , which so far only has information about recipes!

The Kitchenware API is hosted on https://poetic-plates-kitchenware-api.herokuapp.com/. You can explore the schema using Sandbox by connecting to the endpoint.

You don't need to clone the repository, but feel free to browse the codebase if you're curious.

Let's welcome this into the Poetic Plates !

Adding a subgraph

  1. Head over to your 's page in Studio and navigate to the Subgraphs page. We can see that our recipes is already here, pointing to where we hosted it.

  2. Click Add a subgraph.

    Note: You can also add a using the . Click the arrow next to Add subgraph and select Add subgraph using the Rover CLI to find the instructions.


    Subgraphs page in Studio

  3. We'll need to provide two things about the : its URL and its name.


    Add a subgraph modal

    Routing URL
    Subgraph name
  4. Then, click Add subgraph. It takes a few moments for to check that the successfully composes with all other existing subgraphs and produces a . And that's it!


    Successfully added a subgraph

Inspecting the launch

We added a new , so let's head over to the Launches page in Studio to see if the completed successfully.

Select the most recent to view the progress and status. Looks like everything is all green checkmarks!


Launches page in Studio

We can see that the was successfully added. The Build Inputs shows us the used to create the new . This schema is what the is now using!


Build inputs for a launch

Our new supergraph schema

Let's check out the Changelog through the navigation menu to see what new features and capabilities the kitchenware has added to Poetic Plates.


Changelog page in Studio

We can see a total of 14 additions all about kitchenware! Cookware, utensils, appliances... and two new entry points added to the Query type.

All of these new types and are presumably all coming from the kitchenware . We can confirm which are coming from which subgraph by heading over to the Schema page.

Under the Reference tab, with Query selected, we can see the entry points to our . The Subgraph column indicates the each is coming from!


Schema reference page for the Query type in Studio

We've got two new available from our Query entry point: allCookware and a specific cookware.

When we dig deeper into the Objects available in the schema, there also seem to be other types available in the kitchenware , such as Utensil and Appliance, though both are not currently accessible from the Query entry point. We'll be focusing on the Cookware type in this course.


Schema reference page for Objects in Studio

Note: Curious about that green "E" label? It stands for ""! You can hover over it for more information, but we'll get to it in a later lesson, so stay tuned.

Our has officially grown!

Sending a query

With both recipes and kitchenware data under our fingertips, are you itching to put the power of our to the test? Let's try sending a that involves both .

Let's jump back to the Query tab in the Schema page, where we could see all our available entry points to the . Under the Actions column of the Schema page, click the Play icon right next to the cookware .


Schema reference page in Studio, click the play icon next to the cookware field

This will open up Explorer with the Documentation tab showing the and what we can use to build our .


Explorer, with the cookware field open in the Documentation field

If you have an currently in the Operation panel, clear it or open up a new Explorer tab. We want to start fresh here!

From the Documentation panel, let's build a for a specific cookware. If we click into the cookware , we can see from the type description that Cookware refers to "food preparation equipment, such as pots and pans".

We'll add all three we have available: the name, description and cleaningInstructions. It also needs a name , so we'll add that too.

Under the Variables panel, we'll set the name to "cast iron skillet". That seems like a tricky piece of cookware to take care of, so the cleaning instructions should provide some nuggets of knowledge for us!

That's data from the kitchenware ! Let's spice things up with data from the recipes too! Why don't we check out the names of some recently added recipes?

There's a handy shortcut in Explorer to search our schema for that . Hit Command + K or Ctrl + K to access the spotlight search. Start typing recently and the Query.recentlyAddedRecipes should pop up.


Explorer using Spotlight to search for a specific field

We'll select that and now we can access it directly in the Documentation panel. Saves us a couple clicks, and it'll be especially helpful as our continues to grow!

Let's add the recentlyAddedRecipes and ask for the name as the sub.

Lastly, we'll rename the to be more explicit. Give it a name GetSkilletAndRecipes.

Your should now look like this:

query GetSkilletAndRecipes($name: String) {
cookware(name: $name) {
recentlyAddedRecipes {

And under the Variables section:

"name": "cast iron skillet"

Let's run it!

Woohoo, and we get data back! One query, but with data coming from two separate subgraphs 🤯🎉

Adding a was pretty straightforward! But right now, you might be feeling that the data in both subgraphs feel separate and siloed. There's nothing directly connecting cookware to recipes or vice versa. Wouldn't it be great to know what cookware a particular recipe uses and how to clean it, all in one clean ?

The new feature: a recipe's cookware

Here's an example of a dream that lets us ask for details about a specific recipe: its description, instructions, and ingredients, plus the type of cookware it needs, a description of what it looks like, and how to clean it! We're armed with useful information to become a cooking expert!

query GetRecipeAndCookwareInformation {
recipe(id: "rec3j49yFpY2uRNM1") {
ingredients {
cookware {

Note: We're including the recipe's id inline with the here for ease of reference as we go through the course. In reality, this id would be extracted out into a .

Digging into the data the recipes has, each recipe already contains a list of cookware names involved in the recipe. The RecipesAPI datasource also includes a method to retrieve that list called getRecipeCookware.

What the recipes doesn't have are the for its cookware's description and cleaning instructions--these are fields that are available in the kitchenware !

So we'll need a way to connect the data between both to make our dream work (hint: it's called entities!).

But first, let's set up our local development environment to ensure that the changes we make to the recipes not only work correctly but also play nicely with the kitchenware !


To add a new subgraph, which of these values does GraphOS need to know?

Key takeaways

  • To add a new , we can use the Studio UI or .
  • We can view the 's using Explorer.
  • A represents the complete process of making schema updates to a . A launch is triggered when a schema is published to . We can inspect the results of a launch through the Studio Launches page.

Up next

Let's set ourselves up for local development in the next lesson.


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