4. Creating a supergraph in GraphOS


In this lesson, we'll create a cloud-hosted in ! We'll be using (the web interface) to get started.

You'll need a account with the Serverless plan.

Create a new supergraph

If this is your first time on Studio, then you'll see a page that looks like this:


Welcome page for creating a supergraph

Click on the Connect your GraphQL API button.

Step 1: Your GraphQL API

The first thing we need is the endpoint URL of our API. Let's paste it in.

Endpoint URL

Next, the name. It should be clear and simple. We could name it "Poetic Plates", the same name we've been calling our API so far. But are usually focused on a specific business domain, and this one is focused on content about recipes, so that would be a better name to use!

Subgraph name

Step 1 of supergraph creation with the URL and name filled out

Remember, this will become the first of our !

Hit Next.

Step 2: Supergraph

On this step, we'll pick a short ID and a name for our .

The ID will be used to reference your supergraph from various tools later on. It CANNOT be changed, so let's make sure to pick a good one!

The name however, you can change at any time. It's displayed throughout Studio and it's usually how you refer to your supergraph with your teammates.


Step 2 of supergraph creation with the ID and name filled out

In our case, we're going to go with the name "Poetic Plates". The ID will be named similarly.

Alright, let's hit Create Supergraph.

It'll take just a few moments for to provision and host the for us.... and now we're cooking!


Modal shows that the supergraph is ready to query


Key takeaways

  • To create a , you need your API endpoint. This becomes the first of your supergraph.
  • takes care of provisioning and hosting the for you.
  • We recommend keeping names clear and simple. Each should describe the domain it's focused on.

Up next

That was a piece of cake! With our set up, we're ready to start sending it queries!


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