In this section, we'll cover:
- Creating a subgraph to expose our REST API
- Apollo Rover installed in your local machine
- Your GCP project id, service account email, and key. If you have not received these, your Apollo host should be able to provide it
, the GCP command line tool installed in your local machine.
Building the subgraphs
To power our supergraph, we have three different subgraphs using Apollo Server, an open-source GraphQL server for Node.js fetching against different data sources.
In this section we will cover how to build our Orders subgraph which is fetching against a REST API.
Note: Apollo Server is spec-compliant, which means that the fundamentals of how a GraphQL query is processed and resolved will be identical to any spec-compliant GraphQL framework that you may use in your own evaluation in the future. See the full list of compliant libraries.
Orders subgraph (REST datasource)
Currently our client-side teams have implemented the orchestration logic to fetch the associated product
and customer
IDs from our REST endpoint.
The Order subgraph serves all data associated within the domain of an order
. In addition, its schema needs to reflect the relationship with the products
and customers
subgraphs by providing the IDs for the entities.
Note: in a federated graph, the GraphOS Router can create a query plan to automatically resolve the details of a product
and customer
. This makes it incredibly easy for clients to make a single request where the Router will perform an API join behind the scenes.
✏️ Schema design for an Order
There are two main issues with the current way things are running at the moment at KBT Threads:
One one hand, KBT's Orders team is not responsible (ideally) for managing the information for Products and Customers. They just manage the Orders system and store only the IDs of the product and customers associated with an order.
On the other hand, our Client teams, historically, would make three round-trip calls to fetch the entire order information:
- The
s of theproducts
of anorder
- The
information for the customerID
associated in the order - The
information for theID
s in the order items
- The
And in many instances, these responses were over fetching data, as many of the fields returned in these calls were not used at all by the client front-end.
Fortunately, GraphQL will give us that flexibility by defining exactly what we need, and federation will abstract this orchestration logic into one single request. Let's take a look at how we can model this in our Orders subgraph schema:
Open the schema.graphql
file found in rest-orders/schema.graphql
. You'll immediately notice two types already defined for us: Query
and Order
is a special root type that serves as an entry point for your services. In this case, Query
allows an order to be retrieved by passing an ID
, which returns an Order
type Query {order(id: ID!): Order}type Order @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!}
Now if we look at our Order
type, it currently only has a single attribute defined, id
. This isn't very helpful for our client teams, so let's expand this type with more information.
To do this, we first need to add attributes that reflect the buyer and items of an order
# unfinished schematype Order @key(field: "id") {id: ID!buyer: ?items: [?]}
Given that this is a Federated Graph, let's see if we can reuse what other teams have provided to prevent code duplication and standardize on common types that our clients expect.
We do this by referencing another object type provided by other subgraphs, or in other words an Entity.
In Apollo Federation, an entity is an object type that you define in one subgraph and can then reference and extend in other subgraphs, which are the core building block of a federated graph. Learn more: Introduction to Apollo Federation
We know that the Users subgraph is returning a User entity that requires a User ID. That’s great, as we have a User ID. Let’s return the User type for the buyer attribute:
type Order @keys(field: "id") {id: ID!buyer: User!items: [?]}
Repeating the same approach for items, we can see that ProductVariant
would contain the type within Items.
type Order @keys(field: "id") {id: ID!buyer: User!items: [ProductVariant!]!}
If we tried to run this server, we would run into an issue because this isn't a valid GraphQL schema. This is because we don't have a User
or ProductVariant
type defined within our schema.
To fix this, we need to define a stub type for User
and ProductVariant
, where we provide the entity keys as their attributes and mark them as resolvable: false
type User @key(fields: "id", resolvable: false) {id: ID!}type ProductVariant @key(fields: "id", resolvable: false) {id: ID!}
✏️ Datasources
When we develop a GraphQL server, a common pattern is to separate out service logic from the GraphQL resolver logic. This allows us to create separation of concerns as resolver logic will be simpler to rationalize and service orchestration logic can abstract the underlying details that can be complex, such as batching and caching.
First open the data sources directory: rest-orders/src/datasources/orders-api.js
const { RESTDataSource } = require("@apollo/datasource-rest");class OrdersAPI extends RESTDataSource {// @WORKSHOP 2.2.1: Apply the base URL herebaseURL = "";async getOrder(id) {// @WORKSHOP 2.2.2: Make HTTP Get call to endpoint}}
Within this file, you'll notice this import statement:
const { RESTDataSource } = require("@apollo/datasource-rest");
This is importing a module by Apollo called RESTDataSource
, a library implementation by Apollo that simplifies fetching data from REST APIs, while including common optimizations like caching and deduplications.
In this workshop, we've provided a hosted REST endpoint, https://rest-api-j3nprurqka-uc.a.run.app/api. We can query from our browser to see what it returns. Let's try https://rest-api-j3nprurqka-uc.a.run.app/api/orders/1. Examining the JSON response, we notice that it contains the ID
of the order, the customer ID and the product IDs.
{"id": 1, # Order ID"customerId": 10,"variantIds": [1, 2, 3] # Product IDs}
That's exactly what we need to allow the Router to resolve the customer and product details.
✏️ Let's start by overriding the baseURL
to the Orders
URI. (you can search "@WORKSHOP 2.2.1" comment), and then configure getOrder
to make a HTTP GET request to the /orders/
baseURL = "https://rest-api-j3nprurqka-uc.a.run.app/api";
Next, let's use the built in HTTP GET Method from our REST Datasource Class, this.get, to call the endpoint passing along the parameter:
return this.get(`orders/${encodeURIComponent(id)}`);
const { RESTDataSource } = require("@apollo/datasource-rest");class OrdersAPI extends RESTDataSource {baseURL = "https://rest-api-j3nprurqka-uc.a.run.app/api";async getOrder(id) {return this.get(`orders/\${encodeURIComponent(id)}`);}}
Typically, we would need to instantiate this class upon every request, however, a common pattern is to instantiate the service once, and pass it through something called a context object.
To do this, go to rest-orders/src/index.js
and locate the @WORKSHOP: 2.2.3
Here you'll see a method called, startStandaloneServer
, which receives the server instance, and another parameter containing configuration information.
Within the configuration, we can pass along a context
, which we can define a property for our Orders API service that we can reference throughout the application.
Typically, it's best practice to namespace our data sources as "dataSource" and define the sources under it.
The final context should look like this:
const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {context: async ({ req }) => ({dataSources: {ordersAPI: new OrdersAPI(),},}),listen: { port },});
Now that we have an instance of the Orders service available in our context
object, all that is left is to call our Orders API and fetch an order
by its ID
when a client requests it. This is mapped through our resolvers.
Resolvers are how you inform the GraphQL server on how to populate the data for each field or type in your schema – the orchestration logic.
No matter the programming language, all spec-complaint GraphQL servers and frameworks provide the following four arguments:
- root (sometimes also referred to as Parent) — The data of the parent type of that field
- args — The parameters passed to the field
- context — A shared object that is passed through all the resolvers. Useful for sharing per-operation state (data sources, caching, API keys, etc)
- info — Additional information pertaining to the operation (field name, query path, etc)
Now let's write our resolver. You can follow along using the more in-depth or quick walkthrough below:
Now that we have finished building the Orders subgraph, let's run it locally and verify that it works successfully. In the rest-orders/
directory run the following commands to start the subgraph:
npm installnpm start
Once your terminal shows "Subgraph ready at http://localhost:4002/" we have successfully started our subgraph server.
Let's validate that the resolver and datasource code is valid. Open http://localhost:4002/ on your browser and copy and execute the query below with orderId
set to 1
Note: don't forget to enter your variable for orderId
in the Variables panel. It should read { "orderId": 1 }
The subgraph should return a response with the order ID, if it returns null or an error, we have an issue with our resolver or datasource code that we need to fix before deploying.
query Order($orderId: ID!) {order(id: $orderId) {id}}
If it returns the data we expect, exit the process and move on to the next step.
What about User
and ProductVariant
You may have noticed that the User and ProductVariant types are missing. As you probably discovered, that is correct!
It's important to remember that the Orders subgraph is not responsible for knowing how to call the underlying services for Users
or ProductVariants
, all it has available in its services is the ID
of the User
/ ProductVariant
in question.
That wraps up our resolvers for the Orders subgraph, if you are running into issues with your code, you can compare it against the final/rest-orders/
✏️ Deploy the Orders subgraph
To prepare for deployment of the orders subgraph and the Router, some environment variables need to be set. The following variables need to be pulled from GraphOS management plane.
IMPORTANT: The personal API key will not work here. You need to get a new graph service key!
Let's get these values and note them down before continuing. On the Readme page, we can easily copy the graph ref by clicking on the Graph Name in the title, as shown below:
To create an Apollo Key, go to Settings Tab > This Graph Tab > API Keys on the sidebar:
From here, create a new API key and save it for reference during our deployment.
Now that we have the environment variables, we need to set them in our environment:
- In the main folder, rename
- Change the values for
to the values you captured above.
should be in the form of service:XXX:XXXX
and NOT user:XXX:XXX
With our environment variables properly set, let's deploy the Orders subgraph.
We will use a shared Google Cloud environment to deploy our applications for this workshop. To prepare for deployment, we first have to authenticate using gcloud
, the GCP command line tool.
At this point in the workshop, you should have received your GCP project id, service account email, and key. If not, your Apollo host should be able to provide it.
With that information, it's time to authenticate our service account.
gcloud auth activate-service-account <service account email> --key-file=<path to json key file> --project=<project_id>
With that done, the build files need to be edited.
In your terminal, go to deploy/
. From here, we need to modify orders.yaml
to reflect the proper project name and unique service name. We need to find and replace two values in the orders.yaml
file, you can refer to the table below:
Default Value | New Value |
federation-workshop | <your-workshop-name> (This will be provided by Apollo) |
orders-api | <your-name-orders> |
There are many ways to find and replace text in this file, one command-line option is sed
. Here are the commands to modify the file using sed in unix.
sed -i '' 's/federation-workshop/<your-workshop-name>/g' orders.yamlsed -i '' 's/orders-api/<your-name>-orders/g' orders.yaml
With those changes saved, we need to deploy the Orders subgraph. To run the deploy, go back up the root directory, ../
. From here, we want to kick off the build by running the following command:
make deploy-orders
✏️ Publish the Orders API schema
Now that the subgraph is deployed, we need to publish this subgraph to the GraphOS schema registry so it gets added to the supergraph. In order to do the publish, we will need the URL. To get the URL for the service we have just deployed, run the following command:
gcloud run services describe <your-name>-orders --region us-east1 --format 'value(status.url)'
Now that we have the URL, we can run the following command to publish the Orders subgraph to GraphOS. Go to rest-orders/
again and run the following command:
rover subgraph publish <GRAPH_REF> \--schema ./schema.graphql \--name orders \--routing-url <ORDERS_SUBGRAPH_DOMAIN_URL>
Replace <GRAPH_REF>
with your Apollo graph ref, which should be in the form of <your-graph-name>@current
with the one you pulled from the gcloud run services describe
command above.
You can head to Studio and check in the Subgraphs section to see the newly published Orders subgraph.
However, we can't execute queries yet. If you try, Studio will prompt for a URL to query. This is where Router comes in: it will be the entry point that receives a request, plans its execution, collects and returns the results. Therefore, our next step is to deploy it in our Google Cloud environment.
✏️ Deploy the Router
To begin, we need to edit the cloudbuild.yaml
file to reflect the proper project id. Go to router/
. From here, we need to modify cloudbuild.yaml
to reflect the proper project name and unique service name. We need to find and replace two values in the cloudbuild.yaml file. We will replace two values:
Default Value | New Value |
federation-workshop | <your-workshop-name> (This will be provided by Apollo) |
router-api | <your-name-router> |
There are many ways to find and replace text in this file, one command-line option is sed
. Here are the commands to modify the file using sed
in unix:
sed -i '' 's/federation-workshop/<your-workshop-name>/g' cloudbuild.yamlsed -i '' 's/router-api/<your-name>-router/g' cloudbuild.yaml
With the proper variables in place, it's time to deploy the Router. Go back up to the root folder (../
) and run:
make deploy-router
Once that command is finished, we once again need to get the URL for this endpoint we have just deployed. To do that run the following command:
gcloud run services describe <your-name>-router --region us-east1 --format 'value(status.url)'
Now that we have the URL, We need to add it into GraphOS Studio so Explorer can query this endpoint.
In GraphOS Studio at the Readme page, your graph should say,
This graph doesn't have an endpoint yet - add one in Connection Settings
Click on "Connection Settings". In here, paste the domain that you received from GCP.
Then click Save. Once you have saved your URL, you are ready to test out this supergraph in GraphOS Studio Explorer. Go to the Explorer tab and let's build a query.
In Explorer, let's run the following query:
query ExampleQuery($userId: ID!) {user(id: $userId) {firstNamelastNameaddressactiveCart {items {parent {name}}}orders {items {parent {name}}}}}
And in the variables tab, set the userId
to 10
{"userId": "10"}
This gives us a query that will hit all three subgraphs as it includes customer
, order
, and product
information. Run this query to see the results, that we successfully pull data from all three subgraphs! To see this visually, we can select the drop down menu in the response pane, and select Query Plan Preview:
🎉 Congratulations! Your supergraph is working! 🎉
Up next
Now that we have a working supergraph, it's time to work on the front-end! In the next section, we'll see how to:
- set up the Apollo Client in our React app
- use Hooks to fetch data from our supergraph to get a list of Products and view the details of a Product
- how to optimise queries using deferred responses