6. Integrating into CI/CD


Let's get these and publishes integrated into our automated tools, so that we don't have to remember when and how to run them every single time we want to make a change.

In this lesson, we will:

  • Create a CI/CD pipeline for and publishes using and GitHub Actions

The complete schema delivery process

Before we dig into the specifics of how to set up our CI/CD pipeline, let's take a step back and look at the complete process, with and , and where they fit in our development cycle.

We want to set up to run automatically against the code changes in a pull request. This way, every PR will check that the schema still works and checks are passing before it can be successfully merged. We can merge with confidence, knowing that our schema changes won't break our or existing client queries.

First, we'll make our schema and code changes, and run a schema check locally. If all is good, we'll create a pull request that triggers a GitHub workflow to run (we'll be creating this workflow!).

If the checks fail, we'll see the errors in the GitHub PR, which will also link to Studio for more details. We'll need to investigate the error, fix it in our local environment and follow the process again from the start.

If the checks pass, great! We can merge the changes to the main branch. Railway will be automatically notified of these changes and deploy the latest version. (Alternatively, if you're not using Railway, you might add a different GitHub workflow to deploy the main branch to the platform of your choice!)

CI Workflow, see expanded image description below

Next, we'll need to set up another GitHub workflow to automate publishing the schema. We'll manually trigger this workflow once we've confirmed that our deployment was successful. We'll follow the process in Studio until we see green checks everywhere!

CD Workflow, see expanded image description below

Whew, exciting stuff! This may seem like a lot to set up and do, especially if you're just one developer going through a tutorial trying things out. But when you're ready to level up and ensure that you've got the foundations ready for safe and confident evolution, we hope these workflows will help!

Note: GitHub Actions is what we're using to automate our CI/CD workflows. These workflows can be triggered by events such as creating or closing pull requests, new commits on a branch, or even manually with a push of a button.

Exploring the GitHub Actions

When Railway cloned the repository for you, it also brought over the workflows from the original repository. You won't need to code the workflows yourself!

You can find them under the Actions tab of your repo.

Schema checks workflow

Select the "" workflow from the list on the left sidebar, then click on the file name (check-schema.yaml) to check out the contents of the file.


GitHub Schema checks workflow

Don't worry too much about the specific syntax for these workflows. We've left comments in the file to help you make sense of what's happening but the goal of this course is more about getting a big-picture sense of how all the pieces of deployment fit together. Pay attention to the steps: section, which outlines what commands to run for this job.

We've defined that this workflow should run on every PR opened, updated and edited.

At the very end, it runs the rover subgraph check command we're familiar with. We'll need to give it the it's expecting: APOLLO_GRAPH_REF and APOLLO_SUBGRAPH_NAME. We'll set those up in the next section.

Note: Ideally, you'll want to prevent merging to main if the schema check workflow fails. You can learn more about required status checks and branch protection rules in the GitHub documentation.

Publish schema

Back to the Actions tab, select the "Publish schema" workflow from the list on the left sidebar, then click on the file name (publish-schema.yaml) to check out the contents of the file.


GitHub Publish schema workflow

We've defined that this workflow should be run manually.

At the very end, it runs the rover subgraph publish command. Like the previous workflow, we'll need to give it the it's expecting. Let's set those up.

Setting the variables

  1. In GitHub, navigate to the Settings tab.

  2. Click Secrets and variables, then Actions. This is where all the secrets and our workflows need will live. Secrets are used for sensitive data, whereas variables are used for non-sensitive data.


    GitHub Actions - secrets and variables

First, let's tackle the . The workflows need two things: the (APOLLO_GRAPH_REF) and the name (APOLLO_SUBGRAPH_NAME).

Note: We've prefixed the names with APOLLO_ to make it easier to differentiate against other you may have for your application.

  1. Click the Variables tab, then click New repository variable.


    GitHub Actions - Variables - new repository variable

  2. Add APOLLO_GRAPH_REF in the Name input.

  3. In the Value input, paste in your . Remember, we can find this value in Studio, at the top of the graph's README page.

  4. Hit Add variable.

  5. Add another for APOLLO_SUBGRAPH_NAME, setting it to recipes, the name of our .


    GitHub variables successfully added

Perfect! good to go—next up: the APOLLO_KEY secret.

Setting the APOLLO_KEY secret

This will be the API key that tells we're allowed to make changes to this particular . It's an important key that should be kept secret. It's sensitive data we don't want anyone else to have because they'd be able to make changes to our supergraph!

  1. Click the Secrets tab, then click New repository secret.


    GitHub Actions - secrets and variables

  2. Set the Name to be APOLLO_KEY.

If you remember way back at the beginning of the course when we were setting up , we used rover config auth and gave it our . Personal API keys are appropriate to use for local development, like running commands in our terminal locally.

For CI/CD purposes, we need to use a graph API key. We want to create a unique for each non-development system that communicates with . By doing this, we can better control (and revoke) what has access to our .

Let's take a detour and grab our .

  1. In Studio, open your 's Settings page, and from the This Graph tab select the API Keys option.

  2. Click Create New Key. Give your key a name, like "GitHub PRs".


    Graph API Key generated in Studio

  3. Copy the key (you won't be able to see it again!).

  4. Paste it into the GitHub secret value.

  5. Click Add secret to save your changes.


    GitHub secret successfully added

And we're all done! 🥳 We've set up two workflows to help us automate our schema delivery process:

  • A schema check workflow that runs on every pull request creation, update and edit.
  • A publish schema workflow that we'll manually trigger once our server deployment is successful.

Great job! Are you itching to see these workflows in action? Then let's keep moving.


Which of the following are benefits of adding schema checks to the CI pipeline?

Key takeaways

  • We can easily integrate and publishes to our CI/CD pipeline to feel even more confident when we make changes to our .
  • Use for CI/CD purposes. You should create a unique graph API key for each non-development system that communicates with to better control (and revoke) what has access to your . These keys should be kept secret.

Up next

We're not done deprecating our text completely yet! Remember, we were waiting to make sure that usage of that field went down to zero so that we can safely remove it. In the next lesson, we'll find out how to use field insights to do exactly that then see these workflows in action!


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