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File uploads

Enabling file uploads in Apollo Client for iOS

supports file uploads via the GraphQL multipart request specification with a few caveats:

  • Uploading files with is most often suitable for proof-of-concept applications. In production, using purpose-built tools for file uploads may be preferable. Refer to this blog post for the advantages and disadvantages of multiple approaches.
  • The Apollo Router doesn't support multipart/form-data uploads.

Uploading files with Apollo iOS

Apollo iOS only supports uploads for a single , not for batch operations. You can upload multiple files with a single operation if your server supports it, though.

To upload a file, you need:

  • A NetworkTransport which also supports the UploadingNetworkTransport protocol on your ApolloClient instance. If you're using RequestChainNetworkTransport (which is set up by default), this protocol is already supported.
  • The correct MIME type for the data you're uploading. The default value is application/octet-stream.
  • Either the data or the file URL of the data you want to upload.
  • A which takes an Upload as a parameter. Note that this must be supported by your server.

Here is an example of a GraphQL for a mutation that accepts a single upload, and then returns the id for that upload:

mutation UploadFile($file:Upload!) {
singleUpload(file:$file) {

If you want to use this to upload a file called a.txt, it looks something like this:

// Create the file to upload
guard let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "a", withExtension: "txt"),
let file = GraphQLFile(
fieldName: "file", // Must be the name of the field the file is being uploaded to
originalName: "a.txt",
mimeType: "text/plain", // <-defaults to "application/octet-stream"
fileURL: fileURL
) else {
// Either the file URL couldn't be created or the file couldn't be created.
// Actually upload the file
operation: UploadFileMutation(file: "a"), // <-- `Upload` is a custom scalar that's a `String` under the hood.
files: [file]
) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let graphQLResult):
print("ID: \(")
case .failure(let error):
print("error: \(error)")

A few other notes:

  • Due to some limitations around the spec, whatever the file is being added for should be at the root of your GraphQL query. So if you have something like:

    mutation AvatarUpload($userID: GraphQLID!, $file: Upload!) {

    it will work, but if you have some kind of object encompassing both of those like this:

    # Assumes AvatarObject(userID: GraphQLID, file: Upload) exists
    mutation AvatarUpload($avatarObject: AvatarObject!) {

    it will not. Generally you should be able to deconstruct upload objects to allow you to send the appropriate fields.

  • If you are uploading an array of files, you need to use the same name for each file. These will be updated at send time.

  • If you are uploading an array of files, the array of Strings passed into the query must be the same number as the array of files.

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