Ship features faster
with GraphQL

Translate effortlessly between layers and teams with a composable, self-service model that complements your existing stack.


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of the Fortune 100 use GraphQL


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Enable flexible data access

The industry often positions GraphQL as an alternative to REST. Industry leaders like Netflix, Zillow, and Wayfair look at it differently. They are using GraphQL as a composition layer that sits on top of existing APIs. By replacing backends-for-frontend or experience APIs with an integrated GraphQL layer, they gain composability, consistency across clients, self-service, and reuse. This enables them to ship new features and experiments with less work.

Future-proof your API strategy with GraphQL

Increase the value of the services you already have and help teams collaborate more effectively.

Magnify your existing API investments

Declaratively expose and reuse existing services to presentation clients in a composable, reusable way, regardless of the language or protocol those services are implemented in.

Focus on features, not endpoints

GraphQL helps client teams ship new features faster and more independently, with queries: on-demand definitions of precisely what the experience needs, regardless of the source of that data -- all exposed through a single endpoint.

Ship faster with more alignment

GraphQL is built for translation and can drive consistency across applications. It provides a loose contract layer between the application services and data and the presentation clients they serve. 

Deliver performance at scale

One GraphQL query can fulfill a request that requires multiple sequential network calls for REST. This reduces latency, which can be particularly painful on slow mobile connections. 

By reducing the number of network roundtrips, it’s easier to optimize performance for any device.