Events / Tech Talk

November 17

9:00am - 10:00am PST

Extending Apollo Router

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What you'll learn

In this session, we’ll explore considerations for configuring and or extending the behavior of the Apollo Router. Specific topics include: bootstrapping your Apollo Router development environment and experience; leveraging Apollo Router’s robust configuration options to fully customize existing behavior; and adding additional functionality to Apollo Router with Rhai and Rust-based customizations.

  1. How the Apollo Router handles incoming GraphQL requests and its general underlying architecture

  2. What Apollo Router configuration options are available out-of-the-box and when to use them

  3. When to consider extending the functionality of Apollo Router, what options are available for doing so, and how to choose the right approach for specific use cases

  4. Where to source pre-built plugins and scripts, general know-how, and more to jump start the Apollo Router journey.

Meet the speakers

Michael Edelman
Solutions Architect


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