Apollo Connectors

Unlock innovation and boost developer productivity by transforming any REST API into a flexible GraphQL endpoint with Apollo Connectors.

What is Apollo Connectors? 

Built for developers, Apollo Connectors seamlessly integrates REST APIs into Apollo Federation using intuitive GraphQL directives. Define REST connections and data mappings declaratively, avoiding resolver code. Apollo's Visual Studio Code extension supports auto-completion and inline validations to provide feedback as you type. Whether you're a GraphQL expert or novice, Apollo Connectors simplifies the process of incorporating REST into your GraphQL API.

Why choose Apollo Connectors?

Apollo Connectors makes it easy to deliver Federated GraphQL APIs using your existing REST APIs. Using declarative configuration with schema directives, Apollo Connectors make it possible to integrate a REST API in only a few minutes.

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Boost developer productivity

Simplify your REST-to-GraphQL integration with a declarative approach. Say goodbye to writing resolvers and maintaining separate GraphQL servers.

  • Connect to REST APIs using GraphQL directives rather than writing code 

  • Easy to use by GraphQL novices and experts alike

  • Auto-completion and inline validations right in your IDE

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Accelerate adoption of GraphQL at scale

Accelerate company-wide GraphQL implementation, break down API silos, and empower cross-functional teams to innovate rapidly within a unified API landscape.

  • Bridge the divide between GraphQL and REST API development teams

  • Leverage Apollo Federation to unify GraphQL and REST into a single API

  • Quickly integrate REST APIs with no impact to existing API infrastructure

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Modernize at your own pace

Seamlessly integrate existing REST APIs into a supergraph architecture, enabling gradual, low-risk adoption of GraphQL across your organization.

  • Call REST APIs directly from GraphOS Router for a simplified architecture

  • Start with a single REST API and grow over time

  • Visualize API performance using the query planner in GraphOS Studio Explorer

  • Safely and predictably migrate away from legacy services

Explore Apollo Connectors’ capabilities

REST API call orchestration

Using GraphQL directives in your schema, define a REST connector with a URL and data mappings. GraphOS Router will then automatically orchestrate HTTP calls to your REST endpoint and transform the response data.

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Built on Apollo Federation

Extend entities with connectors to combine data from both GraphQL and REST APIs. Connectors works with other Federation features as well.

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Optimized calls to endpoints

Efficiently and predictively call REST endpoints as required by a GraphQL query to retrieve the required data. Optimized query planning improves performance.

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Response mapping

Based on the REST response data, it’s possible to directly select, rename, wrap, unwrap, and transform values. Even complex, deeply nested data can be easily mapped.

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Argument mapping

Translate GraphQL query arguments to REST URL parameters and request body parameters for GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, or DELETE requests.

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Computed fields from endpoints

Use connectors to compute the value of a single field by calling a REST endpoint. This provides a flexible way to combine data into a single GraphQL type.

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Call multiple API versions

Define a single GraphQL type with fields that map across multiple REST API versions. Depending on the GraphQL query, one or many REST API versions will be called automatically.

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Advanced use cases

Complex scenarios for mapping REST to GraphQL are made easy. It’s possible to combine multiple endpoints into a single entity, implement pagination, and implement relationships with simple configurations.

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