May 26, 2023

Apollo Changelog: May 26, 2023

Dylan Anthony

Dylan Anthony

Growing your supergraph

There’s a fresh new course in Odyssey all about expanding an existing supergraph. Add a new subgraph and walk through the composition and query-planning processes. Check it out and let us know what you think!

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There’s been a lot of talk recently about the pros and cons of introspection, and one of the biggest reasons to disable it is to hide features you don’t want users to know about (e.g., before a new product launches). In a recent blog post, Florian Fuchs at HashNode shared how they hide only certain schema pieces from introspection using a custom directive and plugin with Apollo Server. If you’re interested in @hidden, be sure to also check out the @inaccessible Federation directive!

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Dylan Anthony

Dylan Anthony

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