Announcing The Neo4j GraphQL Community Graph Hackathon

William Lyon
This is a guest post from William Lyon, Graph Hacker at neo4j. You’ll see him at neo4j’s booth at GraphQL Europe, and you will learn more about neo4j + GraphQL in the talk, “Querying Graphs with GraphQL”, by Michael Hunger.

The Neo4j team is happy to be sponsoring and attending GraphQL Europe this year. At Neo4j we’re very excited to see the GraphQL community taking off as developers adopt a new way of building APIs.
That’s why today we’re announcing the Neo4j GraphQL Community Graph Hackathon. It’s open to anyone, anywhere, but we’ll be helping folks get started at our booth during GraphQL Europe.
The hackathon runs now through Monday May 22nd. All valid submissions will receive a Neo4j tshirt, but only the first 15 participants who submit a valid submission will receive a prize of one set of Apple Airpods (or equivilent value Amazon gift certificate). See details below for how to get started.
What is a Community Graph?
We found it very helpful and inspiring to bring the people and activities of the GraphQL Community into one database with a GraphQL-API endpoint.
It contains tweets, GitHub repositories, Stackoverflow questions and answers, Meetup events and the users and tags related to them.
No matter where you are active, your contributions should be visible.
And everyone in the community should be able to find new content, recent topics, active people or new events easily.

You can access this public GraphQL endpoint at
The Hackathon
To learn more about what’s important to the GraphQL community, we’d love to challenge you!
Write a demo / application / dashboard / visualization / timeline / react component, whatever you want, against this backend and TWEET the link with the #graphql #neo4j hashtags.
Please submit your work in this form and tell us about your experience building it and your thoughts about GraphQL.
If you fill out the survey above, we’ll send you a really cool graph t-shirt. In addition the first 15 valid submissions will receive a set of Apple AirPods (or equivalent value Amazon gift card).
If you are attending GraphQL-Europe we’d love for you to come by our booth and show us what you built in person. Then you can get your t-shirt right away 🙂
A valid submission must query the public GraphQL endpoint at and somehow enable the user to explore or draw insight from the GraphQL Community Graph data. Get started by exploring the GraphQL Community Graph with Graphiql here.
We look forward to seeing what the GraphQL community comes up with as part of this hackathon. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at Happy Hacking!