February 14, 2020

☝️ GraphQL File Uploads with Apollo Server 2, React Hooks, TypeScript & Amazon S3 [Tutorial]

Khalil Stemmler

Khalil Stemmler

Update: May 2022

This post shows you how to implement file uploads via “multipart requests” in the obsolete Apollo Server 2.

Apollo Server 3 no longer integrates with (a specific outdated version of) the graphql-upload package by default, so in order to follow these instructions you’ll need to explicitly integrate with the graphql-upload package.

Additionally, integrating with graphql-upload introduces major “CSRF” security vulnerabilies unless you specifically prevent them.

Because of this, we no longer recommend implementing uploads via multipart requests to your GraphQL server. Our post on file upload best practices has other suggestions for how to implement uploads.

If you do want to follow this tutorial to implement multipart uploads, we highly recommend you do so from Apollo Server 3 (using a manual graphql-upload integration) rather than Apollo Server 2, and enable the CSRF prevention feature added in Apollo Server 3.7.

As time goes on, it looks like more developers are choosing to build their public-facing APIs with GraphQL instead of REST. We’re going to see a lot of the same problems people were solving with REST, solved with GraphQL, in a much cleaner and enjoyable way.

A common task in a lot of web applications is performing file uploads. If you’re using Apollo Server 2, uploads are enabled by default. (However, using this feature within Apollo Server 2 is actually quite insecure: see our post on file upload best practices for details.)

By adding the Upload type to our Apollo Server type definitions, we enable the ability to upload files from the client.

If we build a mutation that utilizes the Upload type, what we get back is a stream of data that we can pipe to a file stored on our server, or, more interestingly, to an external cloud service like AWS S3. It’s also pretty common for things like profile pictures that we’d want to also make sure we store the URL of the file in our database so that we can use it to show people’s display pictures.

In this practical tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to:

  • Set up an Apollo Server with TypeScript for file uploads
  • Setup your Apollo Client to upload files
  • Pipe an uploaded file to AWS S3
  • Get the URL of the uploaded file so that we can save it to our database

Hold up ✋: Before we get started, I urge you to check out the Apollo Server File Upload Best Practices Guide. In that guide, we cover three different types of ways to perform file uploads (Multipart Upload Requests, Signed URL Uploads, and rolling your image server).

In this tutorial, we’re going to implement #1 — Multipart Upload Requests.

With that said, onwards!

Apollo Server

Setting up an Apollo Server is a piece of cake. We just need to install the following npm packages.

npm install --save apollo-server graphql

If you’re starting a project from scratch, check out “Getting started with Apollo Server”. If you’re adding a GraphQL Server to an existing Express.js REST API, check out “Add a GraphQL Server to a RESTful Express.js API in 2 Minutes”.

TypeScript types will come in handy when we build the uploader, so let’s add that to our project as well.

npm install --save-dev typescript @types/node && tsc --init

Check out “How to Setup a TypeScript + Node.js Project” if you’ve never set up a TypeScript app before.

When we’re done with that, the most basic Apollo Server setup we could have should look a little something like this.

import { ApolloServer, gql } from 'apollo-server'

const server = new ApolloServer({
  typeDefs: gql`
    type Query {
      hello: String!
  resolvers: {
    Query: {
      hello: () => "Hey!"

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

Upload mutation

We want clients to be able to upload a file to our GraphQL endpoint, so we’ll need to expose a singleUpload GraphQL mutation to do just that. Using the Upload scalar that comes with Apollo Server, write a singleUpload mutation that takes in a non-null Upload and returns a non-null UploadedFileResponse response.

import { ApolloServer, gql } from 'apollo-server'

const server = new ApolloServer({
  typeDefs: gql`
    type Query {
      hello: String!
    type UploadedFileResponse {
      filename: String!
      mimetype: String!
      encoding: String!
      url: String!
    type Mutation {
      singleUpload(file: Upload!): UploadedFileResponse!
  resolvers: {
    Query: {
      hello: () => "Hey!"
    Mutation: {
      singleUpload: async (parent, { file }) => {
        const { stream, filename, mimetype, encoding } = await file;

        // Do work 💪

        return { filename, mimetype, encoding, url: '' }

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

The Upload type

The file object that we get from the second parameter of the singleUpload resolver is a Promise that resolves to an Upload type with the following attributes:

  • stream: The upload stream of the file(s) we’re uploading. We can pipe a Node.js stream to the filesystem or other cloud storage locations.
  • filename: The name of the uploaded file(s).
  • mimetype: The MIME type of the file(s) such as text/plain, application/octet-stream, etc.
  • encoding: The file encoding such as UTF-8.

At this point, we have a singleUpload mutation ready to accept a file upload and turn it into a stream that we can pipe to some destination. We’re not doing anything with that yet, so let’s change it.

Uploading to AWS S3

Amazon S3 is a popular object storage service that we can use to store images, videos, and just about any other kind of file that you can think of.

Let’s make another file and create an AWSS3Uploader class to hold the responsibility of uploading to S3.

Creating an AWS S3 Uploader

We’re going to need the AWS SDK, so let’s install that first.

npm install --save aws-sdk

Then we’ll create the AWSS3Uploader class that accepts an S3UploadConfig (a handy-dandy type that we create) in the constructor. To create a new instance of one of these, we need to pass in everything necessary to get an authenticated uploader up and running.

That means we’ll need the:

  • accessKeyId – You can get this by using IAM, creating a user, and attaching the AmazonS3FullAccess permission to them, then creating an access key for them. Check this link for more info.
  • secretAccessKeyId – Same as above.
  • destinationBucketName – With S3, we store data in buckets. You’ll want to create a bucket first, and then use the name of the bucket here.
  • (optional) region

Here’s what the class looks like so far.

import AWS from "aws-sdk";

type S3UploadConfig = {
  accessKeyId: string;
  secretAccessKey: string;
  destinationBucketName: string;
  region?: string;

export class AWSS3Uploader {
  private s3: AWS.S3;
  public config: S3UploadConfig;

  constructor(config: S3UploadConfig) {
    AWS.config = new AWS.Config();
      region: config.region || "ca-central-1",
      accessKeyId: config.accessKeyId,
      secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey

    this.s3 = new AWS.S3();
    this.config = config;

Cool, so when we create a new one of these, we get an instance of AWSS3Uploader, initialized with the AWS settings we need to upload file data to an S3 bucket.

Replacing (or composing) the resolver

Ideally, it would be nice if this AWSS3Uploader class could replace (or somehow compose) the resolver that we have on our Apollo Server. With TypeScript, we can define the contract of the resolver function using an interface, and then if our AWSS3Uploader implements that interface, we can delegate the work.

I like that approach. Using an IUploader interface, define the contract for the singleFileUploadResolver and create other strict TypeScript types for the parameters and the return value.

export type File = {
  filename: string;
  mimetype: string;
  encoding: string;
  stream?: ReadStream;

export type UploadedFileResponse = {
  filename: string;
  mimetype: string;
  encoding: string;
  url: string;

export interface IUploader {
  singleFileUploadResolver: (
   { file } : { file: Promise<File> }
  ) => Promise<UploadedFileResponse>;

Then, implement the IUploader interface on the AWSS3Uploader class.

export class AWSS3Uploader implements IUploader {
  private s3: AWS.S3;
  public config: S3UploadConfig;

  constructor(config: S3UploadConfig) {
    AWS.config = new AWS.Config();
      region: config.region || "ca-central-1",
      accessKeyId: config.accessKeyId,
      secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey

    this.s3 = new AWS.S3();
    this.config = config;

  async singleFileUploadResolver (
    { file } : { file: Promise<File> }
  ) : Promise<UploadedFileResponse> {
    // Todo next!
    return null;

Advanced Design tip: What we’ve just done here is planted the seeds to implementing the design principle called Liskov Substitution in that we should be able to swap one implementation for another. If later on in the future, we’d like to switch to using Cloudinary or Google Cloud for uploads instead, all we have to do is implement the IUploader interface on a new object, and we can swap it out safely. Beautiful!

Before we implement the S3 upload code, let’s go back to our Apollo Server and create an instance of our AWSS3Uploader.

import { AWSS3Uploader } from './s3'

const s3Uploader = new AWSS3Uploader({ 
  accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
  destinationBucketName: 'my-really-cool-bucket'

And then we can replace the anonymous resolver function with our s3Uploader.

resolvers: {
  Mutation: {
    singleUpload: s3Uploader.singleFileUploadResolver.bind(s3Uploader)

Because we’re using classes, when control inverts to s3Uploader, the value of this with respect to s3Uploader will be lost. We can save that initial this value by using the bind method. We’ll need to do this if we’re working with class-based components that call their own methods. There are other ways to do this!

Implementing the upload logic

Now the fun part. What we want to do is:

  • Create the destination file path
  • Create an upload stream that goes to S3
  • Pipe the file data into the upload stream
  • Get the link representing the uploaded file
  • (optional) save it to our database

To create the file path, let’s add a method called createDestinationFilePath that takes in everything we currently know about the file. I’m going to leave it really simple by just returning the name of the file that we want to upload, but if you wanted to create your own naming pattern, you could do that here.

export class AWSS3Uploader implements IUploader {
  private s3: AWS.S3;
  public config: S3UploadConfig;


  private createDestinationFilePath(
    fileName: string,
    mimetype: string,
    encoding: string
  ): string {
    return fileName;

  async singleFileUploadResolver(
    { file }: { file: Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.File> }
  ): Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.UploadedFileResponse> {
    const { stream, filename, mimetype, encoding } = await file;

    // Create the destination file path
    const filePath = this.createDestinationFilePath(

    // Create an upload stream that goes to S3
    // Pipe the file data into the upload stream
    // Get the link representing the uploaded file
    // (optional) save it to our database

    return { filename, mimetype, encoding, url: '' };

Next, we have to create an upload stream that points to our AWS S3 bucket. Streams are one of the most confusing parts of Node.js, so think of this step as if we’re creating the fire hose and pointing it directly at the S3 bucket. We’re not doing anything with the data yet; we’re just defining where it’s going to go.

To do this, we define a new type, an S3UploadStream object that holds both the upload stream and a promise that we can invoke to start the upload. That promise is essentially the valve to our fire hose.

import stream from "stream";

type S3UploadStream = {
  writeStream: stream.PassThrough;
  promise: Promise<AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.SendData>;

export class AWSS3Uploader implements ApolloServerFileUploads.IUploader {
  private s3: AWS.S3;
  public config: S3UploadConfig;

  private createUploadStream(key: string): S3UploadStream {
    const pass = new stream.PassThrough();
    return {
      writeStream: pass,
      promise: this.s3
          Bucket: this.config.destinationBucketName,
          Key: key,
          Body: pass

  async singleFileUploadResolver(
    { file }: { file: Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.File> }
  ): Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.UploadedFileResponse> {
    const { stream, filename, mimetype, encoding } = await file;

   // Create the destination file path
    const filePath = this.createDestinationFilePath(

    // Create an upload stream that goes to S3
    const uploadStream = this.createUploadStream(filePath);

    // Pipe the file data into the upload stream
    // Get the link representing the uploaded file
    // (optional) save it to our database

    return { filename, mimetype, encoding, url: '' };

Now let’s connect the read stream (our data) to the write/upload stream.

// Pipe the file data into the upload stream

And let’s open the valve.

const result = await uploadStream.promise;

At this point, the singleFileUploadResolver method should look like this.

async singleFileUploadResolver(
    { file }: { file: Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.File> }
  ): Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.UploadedFileResponse> {
    const { stream, filename, mimetype, encoding } = await file;

   // Create the destination file path
    const filePath = this.createDestinationFilePath(

    // Create an upload stream that goes to S3
    const uploadStream = this.createUploadStream(filePath);

    // Pipe the file data into the upload stream

    // Start the stream
    const result = await uploadStream.promise;

    // Get the link representing the uploaded file
    // (optional) save it to our database

    return { filename, mimetype, encoding, url: '' };

We can get the link that the file was uploaded to by pulling it out of the result object. If you wish to save this to a database somewhere, this would be the appropriate place for you to do so. See below.

async singleFileUploadResolver(
  { file }: { file: Promise<File> }
): Promise<ApolloServerFileUploads.UploadedFileResponse> {
  const { stream, filename, mimetype, encoding } = await file;

  // Create the destination file path
  const filePath = this.createDestinationFilePath(

  // Create an upload stream that goes to S3
  const uploadStream = this.createUploadStream(filePath);

  // Pipe the file data into the upload stream

  // Start the stream
  const result = await uploadStream.promise;

  // Get the link representing the uploaded file
  const link = result.Location;

  // (optional) save it to our database

  return { filename, mimetype, encoding, url: result.Location };

You may need to associate the upload to the particular user who made the request- you can accomplish this using the third argument in the GraphQL resolver- the context argument. For more details on how this works, check out the Apollo Docs on the Context Argument.

And that completes our server-side configuration!

Let’s move over to the client-side and walk through a simple setup with Apollo Client.

Apollo Client

Assuming you already have a React app created (and if you don’t, see how to use Create React App to create a new one), you’ll want to set up an instance of Apollo Client.

Just want the code? Go ahead and peep it on Github.

Run this command to install the latest version of Apollo Client.

npm install --save @apollo/client

Next, we can create an instance of ApolloClient, connect it to our Apollo Server using the HttpLink Link component, and wrap our React app with an ApolloProvider.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
import "./index.css"

import {
} from "@apollo/client";

const client = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  link: new HttpLink({
    uri: 'http://localhost:4000/'

  <ApolloProvider client={client}>
    <App />

That’s the basic setup.

To uploads working, we need to rely on a community-built package called apollo-upload-client which adds capabilities for multipart requests to the ApolloClient instance.

You can read the docs for apollo-upload-client here.

Let’s install it.

npm install apollo-upload-client

To hook it up, we need to replace the HttpLink Link instance with a Link created by using the apollo-upload-client‘s createUploadLink factory function.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";
import "./index.css"

import {
} from "@apollo/client";
import { createUploadLink } from 'apollo-upload-client'

const client = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  link: createUploadLink({
    uri: "http://localhost:4000",

  <ApolloProvider client={client}>
    <App />

Because the type contracts aren’t nominally equivalent between the official Apollo Client and the object created by createUploadLink (at the moment), we need to use @ts-ignore to prevent type error.

Uploading a file from the client to cloud storage

From the client, I’m going to create a straightforward App component.

import React from "react";

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <UploadFile />

export default App;

In that App component, I’ve defined another component called UploadFile. Let’s create that now.

const UploadFile = () => {
  const [mutate, { loading, error }] = useMutation(SINGLE_UPLOAD);
  const onChange = ({
    target: {
      files: [file]
  }: any) => validity.valid && mutate({ variables: { file } });

  if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>{JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}</div>;

  return (
      <input type="file" required onChange={onChange} />

The UploadFile component uses the useMutation hook that takes in a GraphQL mutation that we’re about to write. When the onChange callback gets called on the input tag, it supplies a validity object that we can test against to determine if we should execute the mutation with mutate. You can read more about the nuances and features of apollo-client-uploads in the GitHub docs.

Lastly, we need to write the mutation and import the necessary utilities to do so.

import { useMutation, gql } from "@apollo/client";

const SINGLE_UPLOAD = gql`
  mutation($file: Upload!) {
    singleUpload(file: $file) {

Notice that the Upload type we’re referring to is the one that Apollo Server knows about as a scalar type.

That’s it! Try it out, and check your S3 console for your uploaded files.

Here’s the client-side upload component in completion.

import React from "react";
import { useMutation, gql } from "@apollo/client";

const SINGLE_UPLOAD = gql`
  mutation($file: Upload!) {
    singleUpload(file: $file) {

const UploadFile = () => {
  const [mutate, { loading, error }] = useMutation(SINGLE_UPLOAD);
  const onChange = ({
    target: {
      files: [file]
  }: any) => validity.valid && mutate({ variables: { file } });

  if (loading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>{JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}</div>;

  return (
      <input type="file" required onChange={onChange} />

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <UploadFile />

export default App;


We just learned how to use multipart requests to perform GraphQL file uploads. If you’re just getting started with GraphQL, or you’re working on a non-critical project, this approach is excellent because it’s the simplest way to get something up and running.

If you’re working on something in production that is critical, definitely remember to check out the best practices guide for the alternative approaches.

Written by

Khalil Stemmler

Khalil Stemmler

Read more by Khalil Stemmler