Keeping up with Apollo and GraphQL

Sashko Stubailo
It’s been so fun to be working with the community on the Apollo project for the last year. There have already been dozens of blog posts, meetup talks, announcements, events, and more! Now that we’re headed for a 1.0 release of some of the core libraries, things are only going to get more exciting.
It can sometimes be hard to follow along with all of the happenings in GraphQL in general and Apollo in particular, so I wanted to put together this quick round up of all of the best places to keep up with what we’re working on, get involved in the project, and find out what’s going on in the community. I’ll put them in order of importance.
blog here on Medium
1. Follow ourWe work hard to have a good balance of posts from people in the whole community about GraphQL open source announcements, experiences, best practices, and learning resources.
This is where we put in the most effort to deliver high-quality content we think everyone in the GraphQL and Apollo community will want to know about. We’re publishing 2–3 posts a week, with almost 80 so far!
@apollographql on Twitter
2. FollowGet the most timely news about Apollo and GraphQL, and links to cool content about GraphQL we’ve seen around the internet. If you’ve written a new article or package, or heard about an important event in the GraphQL community, hit us up for a retweet on Slack!

on GitHub
3. Follow and starBug reports, discussions about potential features, and debates about design principles all happen on our GitHub repositories. If you want the full firehose of details about the day-to-day operations of the open source projects, just click the watch button on GitHub, and don’t forget to star while you’re there!

Here are some of the top repositories to watch for the Apollo project:
And here are some repositories you want to follow to keep up with the latest discussions about GraphQL core evolution:
Apollo Slack
4. Join theGet involved in one of the most active GraphQL-focused Slack communities. Talk about how you use Apollo, ask quick questions, and discuss ideas about best practices and implementations. To join, click here, put in your email address, and you’ll receive an invite in your email inbox. Make sure to join the channels most relevant to your interests, for example #contributing, #subscriptions, #react-apollo, etc.
on Stack Overflow
5. Ask and answer questionsStack Overflow is the best place to ask and answer specific questions about Apollo and GraphQL. Tag your questions with apollo, graphql, or both! If you don’t spend a lot of time lurking on Stack Overflow but still want to help people learn, you can also follow the @GraphQLatSO Twitter account to get those questions right in your feed.
YouTube channel
6. Subscribe to theYouTube is where you’ll find talk videos from all of meetups and GraphQL conferences, live streams of contributor events like Apollo Day and Contributor Week, and upcoming video tutorials about GraphQL and Apollo.
our GraphQL meetup!
7. In the bay area? Attend or speak atIf talking about GraphQL on the internet just isn’t enough and you crave that face-to-face interaction, and you happen to be in the San Francisco Bay Area, consider joining our meetup group! If you have a cool project you’ve been working on, or an interesting GraphQL experience, we’re always looking for people to give talks — just email our event organizers at If you’re not in the bay area, check out for more meetups around the world.
Thanks to everyone in the community for all of your feedback, contributions, and support in the last year! We believe that a project can only be great when it takes into account a wide range of ideas and experiences, and we couldn’t have gotten this far without all of you.
Also, if you know anyone who you think would love to work on GraphQL full-time, let them know that we’re hiring! You can learn more about the open positions on our jobs page or by getting in touch with us directly over email or Twitter.