Events / Tech Talk

June 16

9:00am - 10:00am PST

Getting Started with Apollo Router

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What you'll learn

Apollo Router, the next-generation runtime for the supergraph stack, is now generally available and it’s fully production-ready. It slots into any existing Apollo Federation architecture (v1 or v2), replacing your current Apollo Gateway and its implemented in Rust, which provides notable performance benefits over Node.js.

This talk will cover key features of Apollo Router, how to get it up and running quickly, the router’s extensibility model, and how to plan a migration from an existing Apollo Gateway.

Feel free to forward this form to your coworkers. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Apollo Customer Success Engineer.

Required skills and understanding: Apollo Federation (no Rust experience required)

  1. How the Apollo Router compares to the Apollo Gateway in terms of performance, functionality, and developer experience

  2. How to get started, including straightforward steps that you can take to migrate from @apollo/gateway to the Apollo Router

  3. How to leverage Apollo Router’s rich extensibility model to add custom functionality when you need to

Meet the speakers

Michael Edelman
Solutions Architect


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