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Using the client without apollo-runtime

apollo-runtime and ApolloClient provides support for doing the network requests and interacting with the cache but you can use the generated queries without the runtime if you want.

For this, remove the com.apollographql.apollo:apollo-runtimedependency and replace it with:


Composing HTTP request body

To compose HTTP POST request body Operation provides such API:

val query = ...
val payload = query.composeRequestBody()
val mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
val requestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, payload);
Query query = ...
ByteString payload = query.composeRequestBody();
okhttp3.MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
okhttp3.RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, payload);

If defines any with custom type, you must provide properly configured instance of com.apollographql.apollo.response.ScalarTypeAdapters:

ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters = new ScalarTypeAdapters(<provide your custom scalar type adapters>);
Query query = ...
ByteString payload = query.composeRequestBody(scalarTypeAdapters);
okhttp3.MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
okhttp3.RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, payload);

In case when supports auto persistence :

Query query = ...
boolean autoPersistQueries = ... // encode extensions attributes required by query auto persistence or not
withQueryDocument = ... // encode query document or not
ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters = ...
ByteString payload = query.composeRequestBody(autoPersistQueries, withQueryDocument, scalarTypeAdapters);
okhttp3.MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
okhttp3.RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, payload);

Parsing HTTP response body

All Operation instances provide an API to parse Response from raw okio.BufferedSource source that represents http response body returned by the GraphQL server.

If for some reason you want to use your own network layer and don't want to use fully featured ApolloClient provided by apollo-runtime you can use this API:

okhttp3.Response httpResponse = ...;
Response<Operation.Data> response = new Query().parse(httpResponse.body().source());

If you do have custom GraphQL scalar types, pass properly configured instance of com.apollographql.apollo.response.ScalarTypeAdapters:

okhttp3.Response httpResponse = ...;
ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters = new ScalarTypeAdapters(<provide your custom scalar type adapters>);
Response<Operation.Data> response = new Query().parse(httpResponse.body().source(), scalarTypeAdapters);

With Kotlin Multiplatform support, you can use Swift's NSData type to parse the response

val data: NSData = ...;
val response = query.parse(data.toByteString())

Converting Query.Data back to JSON

In case you have an instance of Operation.Data and want to convert it back to JSON representation, you can use OperationDataJsonSerializer.serialize static method.

Operation.Data data = ...;
String json = OperationDataJsonSerializer.serialize(data, " ");

Just like above, you can provide instance of custom ScalarTypeAdapters as last .

Simpler extension function is available for Kotlin users:

val json = data.toJson()
// or
val json = data.toJson(indent = " ")

Creating request payload for POST request

To compose a GraphQL POST request along with operation to be sent to the server, you can use Operation.Variables#marshal() API:

// Generated GraphQL query, mutation, subscription
Query query = ...;
String requestPayload = "{" +
"\"operationName\": " + + ", " +
"\"query\": " + query.queryDocument() + ", " +
"\"variables\": " + query.variables().marshal() +

The same to serialize variables with the custom GraphQL scalar type adapters:

// Generated GraphQL query, mutation, subscription
Query query = ...;
ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters = new ScalarTypeAdapters(<provide your custom scalar type adapters>);
String requestPayload = "{" +
"\"operationName\": " + + ", " +
"\"query\": " + query.queryDocument() + ", " +
"\"variables\": " + query.variables().marshal(scalarTypeAdapters) +
Custom scalar types
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