Custom scalar types
Apollo supports custom scalar types, such as Date
You first need to define the mapping in your build.gradle
file. This maps from the GraphQL type to the Java/Kotlin class to use in code.
apollo {customTypeMapping = ["Date" : "java.util.Date"]}
apollo {customTypeMapping.set(mapOf("Date" to "java.util.Date"))}
Next, register your custom adapter and add it to your ApolloClient
val dateCustomTypeAdapter = object : CustomTypeAdapter<Date> {override fun decode(value: CustomTypeValue<*>): Date {return try {DATE_FORMAT.parse(value.value.toString())} catch (e: ParseException) {throw RuntimeException(e)}}override fun encode(value: Date): CustomTypeValue<*> {return GraphQLString(DATE_FORMAT.format(value))}}ApolloClient.builder().serverUrl(serverUrl).addCustomTypeAdapter(CustomType.DATE, dateCustomTypeAdapter).build()