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Privacy and Data Collection

Understand what data Rover collects and how to opt out of data collection

doesn't collect any personally identifiable information such as API keys, names, or file paths.

By default, Rover collects some anonymous usage data to help us improve the tool. To opt out of data collection, set the APOLLO_TELEMETRY_DISABLED environment variable to true in each environment where you use Rover.

Collected data

Unless you opt out, Rover reports the following data each time you run a command:

  • The command that was run (excluding any identifiable such as file-system paths or profile names)
  • The version of rover that was executed
  • A unique, anonymized machine identifier, which is the same for every command run on the same machine
  • A unique, anonymized session identifier, which is different for every command
  • The SHA-256 hash of the directory that rover was executed from
  • The operating system rover was executed on
  • The CPU architecture rover was executed on
  • The CI system rover was executed on, if any

For more information on the data Apollo collects, see our privacy policy.

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