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The Codegen CLI

The Codegen CLI provides a command line tool that streamlines the process of running code generation. The CLI can be ran manually from Terminal (or any other shell program) or can be called into from bash scripts.

The Codegen CLI has three primary commands:

  • Initialize: Initializes an apollo-codegen-configuration.json file that can be used to configure how the CLI generates code.
  • Fetch Schema: Fetches your and writes it to a file. The schema is required in order to run code generation.
  • Generate: Runs the code generation engine using the configuration in your apollo-codegen-configuration.json file.
  • Generate Operation Manifest: Generates the manifest for using the configuration in your apollo-codegen-configuration.json file.

For detailed usage documentation of these commands, see the Usage section.


When is included as a dependency through Swift Package Manager (SPM) or Cocoapods, the CLI is built and packaged with the dependency automatically. This ensures you always have a valid version of the CLI for the version of Apollo iOS you are using and you never have to worry about installation or updates.

To learn how to run the Codegen CLI with your chosen package manager, open the appropriate section:


The Apollo iOS Codegen CLI is a command like utility for Apollo iOS code generation.

apollo-ios-cli <subcommand>


--versionShow the version of the CLI.
-h, --helpShow help information.


initInitialize a new configuration with defaults.
generateGenerate Swift source code based on a code generation configuration.
fetch-schemaDownload a GraphQL schema from the Apollo Registry or GraphQL introspection.

See apollo-ios-cli help <subcommand> for detailed help.


Creates an apollo-codegen-configuration.json file with default values. The Codegen CLI reads this file to configure how the CLI generates code.

The default configuration will:

  • Find all GraphQL schema files ending with the file extension .graphqls within your project directory.
  • Find all operation and definition files ending with the file extension .graphql within your project directory.
  • Create a Swift Package for your generated schema with the schema-name provided.
  • Generate operation and fragment models relative to the .graphql files that define them.

For more information on configuring code generation, see the configuration documentation.


apollo-ios-cli init --schema-namespace <namespace> --module-type <type> [--target-name <target name>]


--schema-namespace[Required] The name you would like to be used as the namespace for your generated schema files.
--module-type[Required] How to package the schema types for dependency management. Possible types are embeddedInTarget, swiftPackageManager, other.
--target-nameName of the target in which the schema types files will be manually embedded.

Note: This is required for the "embeddedInTarget" module type and will be ignored for all other module types.
-p, --path <path>Write the configuration to a file at the path. (default: ./apollo-codegen-config.json)
-w, --overwriteOverwrite any file at --path. If init is called without --overwrite and a config file already exists at --path, the command will fail.
-s, --printPrint the configuration to stdout.
--versionShow the version of the CLI.
-h, --helpShow help information.

Fetch Schema

Downloads a GraphQL schema from the Apollo Registry or GraphQL and writes it to a file. The schema is required in order to run code generation.

For more information on schema fetching, see Downloading a schema.


apollo-ios-cli fetch-schema [--path <path>] [--string <string>]


-p, --path <path>Read the configuration from a file at the path. --string overrides this option if used together. (default: ./apollo-codegen-config.json)
-s, --string <string>Provide the configuration string in JSON format. This option overrides --path.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity to include debug output.
--versionShow the version of the CLI.
-h, --helpShow help information.


Runs the code generation engine to generate Swift source code using the configuration in your apollo-codegen-configuration.json file.

For more information on configuring code generation, see the configuration documentation.


apollo-ios-cli generate [--path <path>] [--string <string>]


-p, --path <path>Read the configuration from a file at the path. --string overrides this option if used together. (default: ./apollo-codegen-config.json)
-s, --string <string>Provide the configuration string in JSON format. This option overrides --path.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity to include debug output.
-f, --fetch-schemaFetch the GraphQL schema before Swift code generation. This runs the fetch-schema command.
--ignore-version-mismatchIgnores version mismatches between the apollo-ios-cli and the version of the Apollo sdk being used.
--versionShow the version of the CLI.
-h, --helpShow help information.

Generate Operation Manifest

Generates the operation manifest for persisted queries using the configuration in your apollo-codegen-configuration.json file.

For more information on configuring code generation, see the configuration documentation.


apollo-ios-cli generate-operation-manifest [--path <path>] [--string <string>]


-p, --path <path>Read the configuration from a file at the path. --string overrides this option if used together. (default: ./apollo-codegen-config.json)
-s, --string <string>Provide the configuration string in JSON format. This option overrides --path.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity to include debug output.
--ignore-version-mismatchIgnores version mismatches between the apollo-ios-cli and the version of the Apollo sdk being used.
--versionShow the version of the CLI.
-h, --helpShow help information.
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