Set up OIDC SSO with Okta

Configure Okta as your GraphOS organization's identity provider

Single sign-on (SSO) is available only for Enterprise plans. This feature is not available as part of a GraphOS trial.

This guide walks through configuring Okta as your GraphOS organization's identity provider (IdP) for OIDC-based SSO. Once you've set up your integration, you need to assign users to it in Okta so they can access GraphOS Studio via SSO.

Before assigning users, Apollo recommends setting a default GraphOS role for users logging in via SSO. You can also configure Okta to assign GraphOS roles to your users based on their Okta groups.

SSO impact on user accounts and access

For organizations using SSO, access to GraphOS is exclusively managed through your IdP. Any invitation links created before SSO setup will be automatically revoked and you won't be able to create new invitation links once SSO is enabled. To give team members access, you must assign them to the GraphOS application in your IdP.

Once your SSO connection is finalized, all non-SSO user accounts are removed from your GraphOS organization. This means:

  • If team members could previously login before you implemented SSO, they must re-login to GraphOS Studio via SSO.
  • Signing in via SSO creates new user profiles separate from previous non-SSO user profiles.
  • Any personal API keys associated with non-SSO user profiles will be lost.
  • You must reassign any GraphOS roles associated with previous user profiles.


Setup requires:

  • A GraphOS user account with the Org Admin role

    • Check the Members tab in GraphOS Studio to see your role and which team members are org admins

  • Administrative access to your IdP


OIDC-based SSO setup has these steps:

  1. Enter your SSO details in GraphOS Studio.
  2. Create a custom Okta app integration for GraphOS.
  3. Verify and configure OIDC details.
  4. Verify your SSO configuration works.
  5. Enable SSO in GraphOS Studio.

The SSO setup wizard in GraphOS Studio guides you through these steps.

Step 1. Enter your SSO details

  1. Go to GraphOS Studio. Open the Settings page from the top navigation. Open the Security tab from the left sidebar and click Configure SSO. A setup wizard appears.
  2. Enter the Email domain(s) you are setting SSO up for. Click Continue.
  3. Select OIDC as the SSO type. Click Continue.

Step 2. Create a custom Okta app integration

  1. Once you reach Step 2: Configure Your IdP in the wizard, open your Okta Administrator Dashboard in a separate browser tab.

  2. In your Okta Administrator Dashboard, go to the Applications view and click Create App Integration.

    To use the latest version of Apollo's SSO, ensure you create a custom app integration in Okta rather than use the GraphOS app in the Okta Application Network.
  3. In the dialog that appears, select OIDC - OpenID Connect as your sign-in method. For the Application type, select Web Application. Click Next.

    Okta custom app creation
  4. In the General Settings section, provide the following values:

    • App integration name: Apollo GraphOS

    • Logo: Apollo logo (optional)

    Leave the other fields (for example, Proof of possession, Grant type) as the default values.

  5. Add the following URIs:

  • In the Sign-in redirect URIs section, add the Sign-in URL provided in the GraphOS wizard.

  • In the Sign-out redirect URIs section, add

  • Leave the Base URIs section empty.

  1. For Assignments, you can select Skip group assignment for now or assign the users you want to have access to GraphOS. Click Save. This creates your custom app integration and brings you to its General tab.

  2. In the Client Credentials section of the General tab, copy the Client ID and paste it into the Client ID input in the GraphOS wizard. Copy and paste the secret in the Client Secrets section into the wizard.

  3. In Okta, while still on the app's General tab scroll to General Settings and click Edit. and scroll to the Login section. Add as the Initiate login URI. Click Save.

  4. In Okta, open the Sign On tab. Scroll to the OpenID Connect ID Token section and click Edit. Change the Issuer to be Okta URL and click Save. Copy the URL into the Issuer input in the GraphOS Wizard.

  5. In the setup wizard in GraphOS Studio, optionally enter a Discovery URL. Click Next.

Step 3. Configure OIDC

  1. In Okta, go back to the General tab of your custom app integration and confirm that the Sign-in redirect URIs contains the URL provided in the wizard.

  2. You don't need to make any claims configurations, since by default, custom OIDC apps in Okta include all user attributes on the app profile.

  3. Click Next.

Step 4. Verify SSO Configuration

To verify that your SSO configuration works, click Login with new SSO in the GraphOS Studio wizard. This button launches a new login session in a new browser tab. You may need to assign yourself to the application in your IdP first.

Once you successfully login using your new configuration, click Continue.

Step 5. Enable SSO

Once you've verified your new SSO configuration works, you'll be prompted to finalize your configuration.

Once your SSO connection is finalized, all non-SSO user accounts are removed from your GraphOS organization. This means:

  • If team members could previously login before you implemented SSO, they must re-login to GraphOS Studio via SSO.
  • Signing in via SSO creates new user profiles separate from previous non-SSO user profiles.
  • Any personal API keys associated with non-SSO user profiles will be lost.
  • You must reassign any GraphOS roles associated with previous user profiles.

You can set a default role for any users signing in with SSO. Apollo recommends setting the default role before assigning users.

Set default GraphOS role

Once you've enabled SSO, you can optionally set the default GraphOS role for new users logging in via SSO. If you don't set a default, the default role is Consumer. To update the default role for new SSO users, go to Settings > Security > Single sign-on and click Update new user role.

SSO configuration screen in GraphOS Studio

Assign users in Okta

Once your SSO is set up, you need to assign users to it so they can access GraphOS. You can assign individual users or groups by following these steps:

  1. From your Okta Administrator Dashboard, open the Applications view from the left menu and open the Apollo GraphOS integration. Then, click the Assignments tab.

    GraphOS Studio Okta integration assignment settings
  2. Click the Assign drop-down and then Assign to People or Assign to Groups.

  3. Click Assign on the right of the people or group(s) you want to have access to your GraphOS Studio Org. Click Done.

Repeat these steps whenever you want to grant GraphOS Studio access to a new user or group. Okta displays every user and group you've assigned to the integration in the Assignments tab.

Assign GraphOS roles in Okta

This feature is in invite-only preview. Please get in touch with your Apollo contact if you'd like to request access.

Once you've set up SSO, each user assigned to your GraphOS integration has the GraphOS organization's default role. To avoid manually setting the appropriate role for each user, you can configure Okta to set GraphOS roles based on the Okta groups they belong to.

With GraphOS automated role assignment, Okta serves as the source of truth for GraphOS roles and permissions. You can assign GraphOS roles to users before they log into GraphOS Studio for the first time. Updates to user permissions in Okta automatically propagate to GraphOS. This makes access control faster, more secure, and less error-prone.

How role assignment works

GraphOS supports the following role assignment mechanisms using OIDC claims:

If a user has both graphos_org_role and graphos_graph_roles attributes set, graph-specific roles override their organization-wide role. For example, suppose a user has the Observer organization-wide role. You can assign them the Contributor role for one graph they need extra access to and the Graph Admin role for another graph they should have administrative access to.


These steps require administrative access to Okta. They also assume you've successfully set up SSO.

This setup relies on mapping Okta groups to GraphOS roles. Apollo recommends this as the most straightforward way to assign GraphOS roles using Okta, but your setup may differ based on your configuration.

Step 1: Add user attributes

  1. In your Okta Administrator Dashboard left navigation, go to Directory > Profile Editor. The profile editor displays native Okta user profiles and user profiles associated with applications. Select the GraphOS Studio User for the application created during SSO configuration.

    Okta profile editor
  2. Once in the GraphOS Studio User profile, click + Add Attribute.

    Okta profile editor
  3. Enter the following values in the modal that appears:

    • To set organization-wide roles based on Okta groups:

      Data type string
      Display name GraphOS Organization Role
      Variable name graphos_org_role
      Description GraphOS Studio organization-wide role
      Enum Check Define enumerated list of values
      Attribute members
      Display name Value
      Org Admin ORG_ADMIN
      Graph Admin GRAPH_ADMIN
      Contributor CONTRIBUTOR
      Documenter DOCUMENTER
      Observer OBSERVER
      Consumer CONSUMER
      Billing Manager BILLING_MANAGER
      Attribute type Group

      Leave Attribute length and Attribute required as their default empty/unchecked values.

    • To set graph-specific roles:

      To create both graphos_org_role and graphos_graph_roles attributes, click Save and Add Another after you've created graphos_org_role.
      Data type string array
      Display name GraphOS Graph Roles
      Variable name graphos_graph_roles
      Description GraphOS Studio graph-specific roles
      Enum Do NOT check Define enumerated list of values
      Attribute typePersonal or Group

      • Use Personal if you plan to set graph-specific roles on a per-user basis
      • Use Group if you plan to set graph-specific roles for entire Okta groups

      Leave Attribute required unchecked.

  4. Click Save.

(Optional) Step 2: Assign Okta groups to GraphOS roles

Follow these steps to use the graphos_org_role attribute to set organization-wide roles based on Okta groups.

  1. In your Okta GraphOS Studio application, open the Assignments > Groups tab.

  2. If the desired groups are already assigned to the application, click the pencil icon next to a group to edit it. Otherwise, assign the group by clicking the Assign > Assign to Groups dropdown.

    GraphOS Studio Okta integration assignment settings
  3. Whether editing or assigning a group for the first time, select the appropriate GraphOS Organization Role for each.

    Okta profile editor
  4. Ensure the groups are prioritized correctly. The groups with more privileged access should have a higher priority.

    Okta profile editor
    • In the example above, the Apollo Admins group has the highest priority (1). Suppose this group has the most privileges as Org admins.

    • Next, suppose the Feature Team 1 has the Graph Admin role.

    • The rest of the Engineering organization has the Contributor role.

    • This priority order ensures a user belonging to the Apollo Admin group has Org admin privileges, even if they also belong to Feature Team 1 and the Engineering groups. If a user only belongs to the Engineering group, they receive the Contributor role.

(Optional) Step 3: Assign graph-specific GraphOS roles

Follow these steps to use the graphos_graph_roles attribute to set graph-specific roles on groups or individuals.

  1. In your Okta GraphOS Studio application, open the Assignments tab.

  2. If the individual or group is already assigned to the app, click the pencil icon next to it. Otherwise, assign them by clicking the Assign dropdown.

    GraphOS Studio Okta integration assignment settings
  3. Groups and individuals can have as many graph-specific roles as necessary. Use the <graph-id>:<graph-role> format for each graph-specific role.

    • A graph's ID is the portion of the graph ref before the @.

    • Valid values for graph-specific roles are GRAPH_ADMIN, CONTRIBUTOR, DOCUMENTER, OBSERVER, and CONSUMER.

    • Ensure the delimiter between the graph ID and role is a colon (:).

    GraphOS Studio Okta integration assignment settings

    When assigning individuals: if the user also has an organization-wide role assigned based on their Okta group, keep the Assignment master set to Group to ensure this role stays set for other graphs.

    For example, the user in the screenshot above receives the following roles:

    • A DOCUMENTER role for doc-sandbox graph

    • A GRAPH_ADMIN role for another-graph

    • OBSERVER for all other graphs in their organization, based on their group assignment.

A user's graph-specific role must have higher permissions than their organization-wide role to be applied.

Step 4: Configure GraphOS application

  1. In your Okta Administrator Dashboard left navigation, go to Security > API. The Authorization Servers tab shows a list of your authorization servers. Click the pencil icon on the Default server.

    GraphOS Okta application
  2. Go to the Claims tab and click Add Claim.

  3. In the modal that appears, enter the following values:

    For organization-wide roles:

    • Set Name to graphos_org_role

    • Keep Include in token type to Access token

    • Keep Value type as Expression

    • Set Value to appuser.graphos_org_role

    • You can keep Include in to Any scope. If you want to restrict it to certain scopes, keep at least the openid and profiles scopes.

      Okta profile editor

      Click Create.

  4. If setting graph-specific roles, repeat steps 2 - 3, setting the claim name and values to graphos_graph_roles and appuser.graphos_graph_roles respectively.

  5. To test that your claims are being sent properly, go to the Token Preview tab. Enter the following Request Properties:

    • OAuth/OIDC client: The name of your application

    • Grant type: Authorization Code

    • User: Select a user from a group you've mapped GraphOS roles to.

    • Scopes: openid and profile

    Click Preview Token. In the token tab of the Preview, you should be able to see the expected graphos_org_role and/or graphos_graph_roles value(s) for the user.

    Okta profile editor

Role assignment behavior

Once you've completed the previous steps, whenever a user signs into GraphOS, they receive the role based on their IdP groups and/or individual graph-specific roles. If they don't belong to an IdP group that was assigned a role, they receive the SSO default role.

If a user's assigned role changes in IdP while logged into GraphOS Studio, they must log out of Studio and back in to receive their new role and permissions.

Sending multiple roles

Each GraphOS team member can only have one organization-wide role. If your IdP sends multiple roles for a single user, GraphOS treats it as invalid. This should only be a concern if you incorrectly configured the graphos_org_role user attribute. If a user is part of multiple groups, IdPs generally only send the role corresponding to the highest priority group or last claim.

Team members can have as many graph-specific roles as graphs. Their graph-specific role must have higher permissions than their organization-wide role to be applied.

Sending invalid roles

Only the graphos_org_role values specified in setup Step 1 are valid. If your IdP sends an invalid graphos_org_role:

  • Existing users keep their current roles.

  • New users receive your organization's default role.

  • Either way, the user will still be authenticated and allowed to log in.

Accidental removal of org admins

If your role assignment removes all org admins from your GraphOS organization, you can fix it by:

  • Updating your assignments so that at least one group maps to the Org Admin role.

  • Reaching out to to update roles manually.

Overriding a group role

You can override an individual user's group role by going to the Assignments tab in Okta, selecting the People filter, and clicking the pencil icon next to an individual. In the modal that appears, select Administrator for the Assignment master and then select the appropriate GraphOS Organization role.

Okta profile editor

Once you've overridden an individual's role, group role updates won't affect them. You can revert an individual's settings to pull from group attributes by selecting Convert assignments from the Assignments > People tab.

Org Admins can also manually change user roles in GraphOS Studio. However, if you've configured SSO and role assignment through Okta, Apollo recommends using Okta as the single source of truth for identity and access management.
