Multi-Query Pagination
supports multi-query pagination. This means that you can use separate queries for fetching the initial page of data and for fetching subsequent pages of data.
In order to use multi-query pagination, you must configure the GraphQLQueryPager
in order to support multiple queries. It is recommended to use an appropriate convenience initializer to create the GraphQLQueryPager
instance. The initalizers that support multi-query pagination will have both an extractInitialPageInfo
and extractNextPageInfo
In the following example, we will initialize a GraphQLQueryPager
that uses forward cursor-based pagination.
let initialQuery = MyQuery(first: 10, after: nil)let pager = GraphQLQueryPager(client: client,initialQuery: initialQuery,extractInitialPageInfo: { initialQueryData in// Extract a `CursorBasedPagination.Forward` instance from the initial query's `Data`CursorBasedPagination.Forward(hasNext: initialQueryData.values.pageInfo.hasNextPage ?? false,endCursor: initialQueryData.values.pageInfo.endCursor)},extractNextPageInfo: { paginatedQueryData in// Extract a `CursorBasedPagination.Forward` instance from the paginated query's `Data`CursorBasedPagination.Forward(hasNext: paginatedQueryData.values.pageInfo.hasNextPage ?? false,endCursor: paginatedQueryData.values.pageInfo.endCursor)},pageResolver: { page, paginationDirection in// As we only want to support forward pagination, we can return `nil` for reverse paginationswitch paginationDirection {case .next:return MyPaginatedQuery(first: 10, after: page.endCursor ?? .none)case .previous:return nil}})
This example demonstrates how to create a GraphQLQueryPager
that uses separate queries for fetching the initial page of data and for fetching subsequent pages of data. The GraphQLQueryPager
is configured to use forward cursor-based pagination. The extractInitialPageInfo
and extractNextPageInfo
closures are used to extract pagination information from the initial page of data and from the next page of data, respectively. The pageResolver
closure is used to resolve the next page query given a CursorBasedPagination.Forward
The GraphQLQueryPager
instance can be used in the same way as a single-query pager. The loadNextPage
method will automatically use the pageResolver
closure to fetch the next page of data.