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Previous versions of Apollo Server

Apollo Server 4 is generally available

4 is the latest version of Apollo Server and is generally available. Apollo Server 4 is ready for use in a production environment, and Apollo provides official support for this library. There is currently no planned end-of-life date.

Deprecated versions

Apollo Server 3 is currently deprecated, with an end-of-life date of October 22, 2024.

Deprecated versions continue to receive security patches and updates to address major regressions until their end-of-life date. They typically do not receive new features and other kinds of bug fixes may or may not be backported to deprecated versions at Apollo's discretion.

End-of-life versions will remain available in the npm registry and can still be installed and used in your projects. However, Apollo doesn't guarantee any further support for them, nor does Apollo recommend their use. Additionally, Apollo doesn't guarantee that features will continue to work for packages beyond their end-of-life date.

Apollo Server 3

Apollo Server 3 is deprecated and will transition to end-of-life on October 22, 2024. We encourage all Apollo Server 3 users to upgrade to Apollo Server 4 now. Note that Apollo Server 2 and 3 were distributed in various npm packages (such as apollo-server, apollo-server-core, and apollo-server-express); Apollo Server 4 combines these packages into a single new @apollo/server package.

End-of-life versions

Apollo no longer commits to providing any support for these versions. While you may still file issues about security concerns or significant regressions, Apollo may choose not to address them.

Apollo Server 2

Apollo Server 2 is end-of-life as of October 22, 2023. We encourage all users of Apollo Server 2 to upgrade to Apollo Server 4, first by following the v3 migration guide and then following the v4 migration guide. Note that Apollo Server 2 and 3 were distributed in various npm packages (such as apollo-server, apollo-server-core, and apollo-server-express); Apollo Server 4 combines these packages into a single new @apollo/server package.

We recommend upgrading to Apollo Server 4 as soon as possible. Depending on which Apollo Server features you use, the upgrade process might require several changes to your server. The most straightforward upgrade path is to first upgrade from Apollo Server 2 to 3, then once everything works, continue upgrading from Apollo Server 3 to 4.

Apollo Server 1

Apollo Server 1 was a significantly different project and has been considered end-of-life since 2018.

Migrating to Apollo Server 4
Schema basics
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