1. Configure your project

In this step, you'll get the starter project and add the Apollo iOS SDK to a new project.

Clone the starter project

1git clone https://github.com/apollographql/iOSTutorial.git

The starter project is located in the starter folder.

Note: At any time, if you want to view a completed version of the project, open the project in the final folder.

Open the 'starter' project in Xcode

Open the RocketReserver.xcodeproj located in the starter folder:

Folder structure for opening project

When the project opens, Swift Package Manager (SPM) will resolve some dependencies that you'll be using later in the project that are already set up:

If you build and run the project you should see a list with placeholder data:

Starting app state

Next let's add Apollo as a dependency.

Add the Apollo iOS SDK to your project

  1. Go to File > Add Packages.... The Add Package dialog appears, by default with Apple packages. In the upper right hand corner, paste https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-ios into the search bar:

The Xcode add package dialog, arrow pointing at search bar
  1. Xcode will then show you the apollo-ios package and allow you to select a version in the right hand panel. Select Up to Next Minor from the Version dropdown (At the time of writing, the current minor version is 1.2.x, note that minor breaking changes can occur between minor releases):

Select next minor in dropdown
  1. Click Add Package. Once SPM is done checking out the package, a list of framework targets included in the library appears. For this tutorial, select the main Apollo target and the ApolloWebSocket target:

Select the first and last targets

Note: Do not select the Apollo-Dynamic target, this is only for use for projects linking to our library dynamically. Most projects, including this one, will not need to do this.

  1. Click Add Package. SPM fetches your dependencies. When it completes, you can see them in the project navigator:

Screenshot of installed dependencies

Note: Because SPM has not yet implemented Target-Based Dependency Resolution , you'll see the SQLite dependency even though you didn't select ApolloSQLite, the target which depends on it.

Your project should now be ready to use the Apollo iOS SDK. Next, you will add the GraphQL schema to the project.