Developing Connectors in JetBrains IDEs

Configure Apollo's Plugin to validate Apollo Connectors

The JetBrains Apollo GraphQL plugin can give you fast feedback on your connectors in IntelliJ, WebStorm, and other JetBrains IDEs. Through it, you can get the same validations that composition provides, with errors and hints highlighted in your schema file on each save.


These composition-based diagnostics are powered by Rover, starting with version 0.27.0. You need this version or later installed to use composition-based diagnostics.


  1. Install the plugin.

  2. Enable the Rover integration by going to Setting > Languages & Frameworks > GraphQL > Rover and checking Enabled.

    Plugin configuration
  3. Ensure a supergraph.yaml file is in the root of your project. This configuration file is used for Rover commands like rover dev, rover supergraph compose, and this plugin.

    You can set a different location for your supergraph.yaml in the LSP Arguments > Supergraph config file field in the Rover integration settings.
  4. In your supergraph.yaml do the following:

  • Set the composition version to 2.10.0-preview.6.

  • Ensure every schema file you want feedback on is included in the subgraphs section.


Restart the language server

If you aren't seeing diagnostics, try restarting the language server by clicking the Apollo icon in the status bar.

Confirm your Rover version

You can see the currently installed Rover version in the plugin's settings, or by running rover --version in a terminal. Ensure you have version 0.27.0 or later.

Debug logging

If the extension isn't working as expected, you can enable debug logging by going to Help > Diagnostic Tools > Debug Log Settings... and adding Apollo and #com.intellij.platform.lsp to the list. This settings adds detailed logs to IDE's log file, which can aid in debugging.

