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public class ApolloStore

The ApolloStore class acts as a local cache for normalized results.



public init(cache: NormalizedCache = InMemoryNormalizedCache())

Designated initializer

  • Parameters:
    • cache: An instance of normalizedCache to use to cache results. Defaults to an InMemoryNormalizedCache.


cacheAn instance of normalizedCache to use to cache results. Defaults to an InMemoryNormalizedCache.


public func clearCache(callbackQueue: DispatchQueue = .main, completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)? = nil)

Clears the instance of the cache. Note that a cache can be shared across multiple ApolloClient objects, so clearing that underlying cache will clear it for all clients.

  • Parameters:
    • callbackQueue: The queue to call the completion block on. Defaults to DispatchQueue.main.
    • completion: [optional] A completion block to be called after records are merged into the cache.


callbackQueueThe queue to call the completion block on. Defaults to DispatchQueue.main.
completion[optional] A completion block to be called after records are merged into the cache.


public func publish(records: RecordSet, identifier: UUID? = nil, callbackQueue: DispatchQueue = .main, completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)? = nil)

Merges a RecordSet into the normalized cache.

  • Parameters:
    • records: The records to be merged into the cache.
    • identifier: [optional] A unique identifier for the request that kicked off this change, to assist in de-duping cache hits for watchers.
    • callbackQueue: The queue to call the completion block on. Defaults to DispatchQueue.main.
    • completion: [optional] A completion block to be called after records are merged into the cache.


recordsThe records to be merged into the cache.
identifier[optional] A unique identifier for the request that kicked off this change, to assist in de-duping cache hits for watchers.
callbackQueueThe queue to call the completion block on. Defaults to DispatchQueue.main.
completion[optional] A completion block to be called after records are merged into the cache.


public func withinReadTransaction<T>(_ body: @escaping (ReadTransaction) throws -> T,
callbackQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
completion: ((Result<T, Error>) -> Void)? = nil)

Performs an within a read transaction

  • Parameters:
    • body: The body of the operation to perform.
    • callbackQueue: [optional] The callback queue to use to perform the completion block on. Will perform on the current queue if not provided. Defaults to nil.
    • completion: [optional] The completion block to perform when the read transaction completes. Defaults to nil.


bodyThe body of the operation to perform.
callbackQueue[optional] The callback queue to use to perform the completion block on. Will perform on the current queue if not provided. Defaults to nil.
completion[optional] The completion block to perform when the read transaction completes. Defaults to nil.


public func withinReadWriteTransaction<T>(_ body: @escaping (ReadWriteTransaction) throws -> T,
callbackQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
completion: ((Result<T, Error>) -> Void)? = nil)

Performs an operation within a read-write transaction

  • Parameters:
    • body: The body of the operation to perform
    • callbackQueue: [optional] a callback queue to perform the action on. Will perform on the current queue if not provided. Defaults to nil.
    • completion: [optional] a completion block to fire when the read-write transaction completes. Defaults to nil.


bodyThe body of the operation to perform
callbackQueue[optional] a callback queue to perform the action on. Will perform on the current queue if not provided. Defaults to nil.
completion[optional] a completion block to fire when the read-write transaction completes. Defaults to nil.


public func load<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(_ operation: Operation, callbackQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil, resultHandler: @escaping GraphQLResultHandler<Operation.Data>)

Loads the results for the given from the cache.

  • Parameters:
    • query: The query to load results for
    • resultHandler: The completion handler to execute on success or error


queryThe query to load results for
resultHandlerThe completion handler to execute on success or error
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