1public enum InflectionRule: Codable, Equatable
The types of inflection rules that can be used to customize pluralization.
1case pluralization(singularRegex: String, replacementRegex: String)
A pluralization rule that allows taking a singular word and pluralizing it.
singularRegex: A regular expression representing the single version of the word
replacementRegex: A regular expression representing how to replace the singular version.
1case singularization(pluralRegex: String, replacementRegex: String)
A singularization rule that allows taking a plural word and singularizing it.
pluralRegex: A regular expression represeinting the plural version of the word
replacementRegex: A regular expression representing how to replace the singular version
1case irregular(singular: String, plural: String)
A definition of an irregular pluralization rule not easily captured by regex - for example "person" and "people".
singular: The singular version of the word
plural: The plural version of the word.
1case uncountable(word: String)
A definition of a word that should never be pluralized or de-pluralized because it's the same no matter what the count - for example, "fish".
word: The word that should never be adjusted.