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Operation Arguments

can define as part of their definitions, the values of these arguments can be passed to arguments or arguments (eg. @skip and @include).

generates type-safe initializers for your that accept your operation's arguments. These arguments can be built-in scalar types, custom scalars, enums, or input objects defined in your schema.

Let's say we define a GraphQL named HeroName with an episode which is a custom Episode enum defined in our schema:

query HeroName($episode: Episode!) {
hero(episode: $episode) {

Apollo iOS will generate a HeroNameQuery class with :

class HeroNameQuery: GraphQLQuery {
var episode: Episode
init(episode: Episode) {
self.episode = episode

Your HeroNameQuery will have a property for the episode , which will be passed to any field or directive arguments that use the $episode variable in the operation definition.

This query object can be initialized and passed to ApolloClient.fetch(query:):

apollo.fetch(query: HeroNameQuery(episode: .empire)) { result in
guard let data = try? result.get().data else { return }
print( // Luke Skywalker

Working with nullable arguments

When defining an operation argument with a nullable value, Apollo iOS will wrap the generated argument's type in a generic GraphQLNullable wrapper enum.

According to the GraphQL spec, explicitly providing a null value for an input value to a field argument is semantically different from not providing a value at all (nil). This enum allows you to distinguish your input values between null and nil.

If the HeroName query is defined with a nullable episode argument, the generated HeroNameQuery will have an episode field with the type GraphQLNullable<Episode>:

class HeroNameQuery: GraphQLQuery {
var episode: GraphQLNullable<Episode>
init(episode: GraphQLNullable<Episode>) {
self.episode = episode

The HeroNameQuery can be initialized with a GraphQLNullable value:

Null value
.init(episode: .null)
No value
.init(episode: .none)
.some case
.init(episode: .some(.empire))

Or with an optional value using the nil coalescing operator to provide a fallback.

.some case
let optionalEpisode: Episode?
.init(episode: optionalEpisode ?? .none)

For more usage information see the GraphQLNullable documentation.

Default values

When defining your operation's arguments, you may provide default values for the arguments. These default arguments will be included in your generated operation's initializer:

query HeroName(
$episode: Episode! = .EMPIRE
) {
hero(episode: $episode) {
class HeroNameQuery: GraphQLQuery {
var episode: Episode
init(episode: Episode = .empire) {
self.episode = episode

Note: This only applies for operation arguments defined by the client.

Default values for on Input Objects are defined by the schema, and not generated.

Error Handling
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