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Rover README Commands

Publish and retrieve your graph variant's README

These commands enable you to publish and fetch the README associated with a particular .

READMEs are Markdown-based and support Apollo-specific shortcodes, which are documented here.

Fetching a README from GraphOS

readme fetch

You can use Rover to fetch the README of any Studio graph variant you have access to.

Run the readme fetch command, like so:

rover readme fetch my-graph@my-variant

The my-graph@my-variant is the graph ref, which you can read about here.

Output format

By default, the README is output to stdout. You can also save the output to a .md file like so:

# Creates or overwrites if it already exists
rover readme fetch my-graph@my-variant --output

You can also request the output as JSON with the --format json option:

rover readme fetch my-graph@my-variant --format json

For more on passing values via stdout, see Conventions.

Publishing a README to GraphOS

readme publish

This command requires authenticating Rover with GraphOS.

You can use Rover to publish a README to one of your GraphOS graphs.

Use the readme publish command, like so:

rover readme publish my-graph@my-variant --file ./

The argument my-graph@my-variant is the graph ref, which you can read about here.

You can also pipe in the README's contents via stdin by providing - as the value of the --file option, like so:

echo "sample readme contents" | rover readme publish my-graph@my-variant --file -

For more on accepting input via stdin, see Conventions.

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