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open class RequestChainNetworkTransport: NetworkTransport

An implementation of NetworkTransport which creates a RequestChain object for each item sent through it.



public let endpointURL: URL

The endpoint URL to use.


public private(set) var additionalHeaders: [String: String]

Any additional headers that should be automatically added to every request.


public let autoPersistQueries: Bool

Set to true if should be used to send a hash instead of the full query body by default.


public let useGETForQueries: Bool

Set to true if you want to use GET instead of POST for queries, for example to take advantage of a CDN.


public let useGETForPersistedQueryRetry: Bool

Set to true to use GET instead of POST for a retry of a .


public var requestBodyCreator: RequestBodyCreator

The RequestBodyCreator object to use to build your URLRequest.


public var clientName = RequestChainNetworkTransport.defaultClientName


public var clientVersion = RequestChainNetworkTransport.defaultClientVersion



public init(interceptorProvider: InterceptorProvider,
endpointURL: URL,
additionalHeaders: [String: String] = [:],
autoPersistQueries: Bool = false,
requestBodyCreator: RequestBodyCreator = ApolloRequestBodyCreator(),
useGETForQueries: Bool = false,
useGETForPersistedQueryRetry: Bool = false)

Designated initializer

  • Parameters:
    • interceptorProvider: The interceptor provider to use when constructing chains for a request
    • endpointURL: The GraphQL endpoint URL to use.
    • additionalHeaders: Any additional headers that should be automatically added to every request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
    • autoPersistQueries: Pass true if Automatic Persisted Queries should be used to send a query hash instead of the full query body by default. Defaults to false.
    • requestBodyCreator: The RequestBodyCreator object to use to build your URLRequest. Defaults to the provided ApolloRequestBodyCreator implementation.
    • useGETForQueries: Pass true if you want to use GET instead of POST for queries, for example to take advantage of a CDN. Defaults to false.
    • useGETForPersistedRetry: Pass true to use GET instead of POST for a retry of a persisted query. Defaults to false.


interceptorProviderThe interceptor provider to use when constructing chains for a request
endpointURLThe GraphQL endpoint URL to use.
additionalHeadersAny additional headers that should be automatically added to every request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
autoPersistQueriesPass true if Automatic Persisted Queries should be used to send a query hash instead of the full query body by default. Defaults to false.
requestBodyCreatorThe RequestBodyCreator object to use to build your URLRequest. Defaults to the provided ApolloRequestBodyCreator implementation.
useGETForQueriesPass true if you want to use GET instead of POST for queries, for example to take advantage of a CDN. Defaults to false.
useGETForPersistedQueryRetryPass true to use GET instead of POST for a retry of a persisted query. Defaults to false.


open func constructRequest<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
for operation: Operation,
cachePolicy: CachePolicy,
contextIdentifier: UUID? = nil) -> HTTPRequest<Operation>

Constructs a default (ie, non-multipart) GraphQL request.

Override this method if you need to use a custom subclass of HTTPRequest.

  • Parameters:
    • : The operation to create the request for
    • cachePolicy: The CachePolicy to use when creating the request
    • contextIdentifier: [optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Should default to nil.
  • Returns: The constructed request.


operationThe operation to create the request for
cachePolicyThe CachePolicy to use when creating the request
contextIdentifier[optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Should default to nil.


public func send<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
operation: Operation,
cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .default,
contextIdentifier: UUID? = nil,
callbackQueue: DispatchQueue = .main,
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void) -> Cancellable


operationThe operation to send.
cachePolicyThe CachePolicy to use making this request.
contextIdentifier[optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Defaults to nil.
callbackQueueThe queue to call back on with the results. Should default to .main.
completionHandlerA closure to call when a request completes. On success will contain the response received from the server. On failure will contain the error which occurred.
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