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public protocol NetworkTransport: AnyObject

A network transport is responsible for sending to a server.



var clientName: String

The name of the client to send as a header value.


var clientVersion: String

The version of the client to send as a header value.



func send<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(operation: Operation,
cachePolicy: CachePolicy,
contextIdentifier: UUID?,
callbackQueue: DispatchQueue,
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void) -> Cancellable

Send a GraphQL to a server and return a response.

Note if you're implementing this yourself rather than using one of the batteries-included versions of NetworkTransport (which handle this for you): The clientName and clientVersion should be sent with any URL request which needs headers so your client can be identified by tools meant to see what client is using which request. The addApolloClientHeaders method is provided below to do this for you if you're using Apollo Studio.

  • Parameters:
    • operation: The operation to send.
    • cachePolicy: The CachePolicy to use making this request.
    • contextIdentifier: [optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Defaults to nil.
    • callbackQueue: The queue to call back on with the results. Should default to .main.
    • completionHandler: A closure to call when a request completes. On success will contain the response received from the server. On failure will contain the error which occurred.
  • Returns: An object that can be used to cancel an in progress request.


operationThe operation to send.
cachePolicyThe CachePolicy to use making this request.
contextIdentifier[optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Defaults to nil.
callbackQueueThe queue to call back on with the results. Should default to .main.
completionHandlerA closure to call when a request completes. On success will contain the response received from the server. On failure will contain the error which occurred.
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